LP38851MR-ADJ/NOPB ,800 mA Fast-Response High-Accuracy Adjustable LDO Linear Regulator with Enable and Soft-Start 8-SO PowerPAD -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP38851-ADJ is a high current, fast response2• Adjustable V Range of 0.80V ..
LP38853MR-ADJ ,3A Fast-Response High-Accuracy Adjustable LDO Linear Regulator with Enable and Soft-Start 8-SO PowerPAD -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP38853 is a high-current, fast-response1• Wide V Supply Operating Range: ..
LP38853SADJ ,3A Fast-Response High-Accuracy Adjustable LDO Linear Regulator with Enable and Soft-Start 7-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LP38855S-1.2 ,1.5A Fast-Response High-Accuracy LDO Linear Regulator with Enable 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP38855 is a high-current, fast-response2• Standard V Values of 0.8V and 1. ..
LP38856S-1.2 , 3A Fast-Response High-Accuracy LDO Linear Regulator with Enable
LP38858S-1.2 ,1.5A Fast-Response High-Accuracy LDO Linear Regulator with Soft-Start 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP38858 is a high current, fast response2• Standard V Values of 0.8V and 1. ..
LT1021DCN8-7 ,Precision Reference
LT1021DCN8-7 ,Precision Reference
LT1021DCN8-7 ,Precision Reference
LT1021DCS8-10#PBF ,Precision Reference
LT1021DCS8-10#PBF ,Precision Reference
LT1021DCS8-5#PBF ,Precision Reference
800 mA Fast-Response High-Accuracy Adjustable LDO Linear Regulator with Enable and Soft-Start
www.ti.com SNVS492C–JUNE 2007–REVISED APRIL 2013
LP38851 800 mA Fast-Response High-Accuracy Adjustable LDO Linear Regulator with
Enable and Soft-Start
Checkfor Samples: LP38851
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP38851-ADJisa high current, fast response
Adjustable VOUT Rangeof 0.80Vto 1.8V regulator which can maintain output voltage
• Wide VBIAS Supply Operating Rangeof 3.0Vto regulation with extremely low inputto output voltage
5.5V drop. Fabricated ona CMOS process, the device
Stable with10µF Ceramic Capacitors operates from two input voltages: VBIAS provides
voltage to drive the gate of the N-MOS power
• Dropout Voltageof 115 mV (Typical)at 800 mA transistor, while VIN is the input voltage which
Load Current supplies powerto the load. The useof an external
• Precision VADJ across All Line and Load bias rail allows the partto operate from ultra low VIN
Conditions: voltages. Unlike bipolar regulators, the CMOS
architecture consumes extremely low quiescent
– ±1.5% VADJ forTJ= 25°Ccurrentat any output load current. The useof an N-
– ±2.0% VADJ for 0°C≤TJ≤ +125°C MOS power transistor resultsin wide bandwidth, yet
– ±3.0% VADJ for -40°C≤TJ≤ +125°C minimum external capacitanceis requiredto maintain
Over-Temperature and Over-Current loop stability.
Protection The fast transient responseof this device makesit
Availablein 8-Lead SO PowerPad, suitable for use in powering DSP, Microcontroller
7-Lead SFM and 7-Lead PFM Packages Core voltages and Switch Mode Power Supply post
regulators. The partis availablein PSOP 8–pin, SFM
• −40°Cto +125°C Operating Junction 7–pin, and TO-263 7-pin packages.
Temperature Range Dropout Voltage: 115 mV (typical)at 800 mA
load current
APPLICATIONS Low Ground Pin Current:10 mA (typical)at 800
• ASIC Power Supplies in: mA load current
Desktops, Notebooks, and Graphics Cards, •
Soft-Start: Programmable Soft-Start time
Servers •
Precision ADJ Voltage: ±1.5% for TJ= 25°C,
– Gaming Set Top Boxes, Printers and and ±2.0% for 0°C≤TJ≤ +125°C, acrossall line
Copiers and load conditions