LP3879SD-1.2/NOPB ,Micropower 800mA Low Noise 'Ceramic Stable' Adjustable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage App. 8-WSON Electrical specifications do not applywhen operating the device outside of its rated operating cond ..
LP3881ES-1.2 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsLP3881 0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsAugust 2003LP38810.8A Fast-Response Ul ..
LP3881ES-1.5 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltage (75 mV @ 0.8A typ)The LP3881 is a high current, fast response r ..
LP3881ES-1.8 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
LP3881ESX-1.8 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsLP3881 0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsAugust 2003LP38810.8A Fast-Response Ul ..
LP3881ET-1.2 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
LT1021BCN8-7#PBF ,Precision Reference
LT1021BMH-10 ,Precision Reference
LT1021CCH-10 ,Precision Reference
LT1021CCN8-10 ,Precision Reference
LT1021CCN8-5#PBF ,Precision Reference
LT1021DCN8-7 ,Precision Reference
Micropower 800mA Low Noise "Ceramic Stable" Adjustable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage App.
www.ti.com SNVS396B–MAY 2006–REVISED APRIL 2013
LP3879 Micropower 800mA Low Noise "Ceramic Stable" Voltage Regulator for Low
Voltage Applications
Checkfor Samples: LP3879
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3879 isa 800 mA fixed-output voltage
Standard Output Voltage: 1.00V, 1.20V regulator designedto provide high performance and
• Custom Voltages Available from 1.0Vto 1.2V low noisein applications requiring output voltages
(50 mV Increments) between 1.0V and 1.2V.
Input Voltage: 2.5to 6V Using an optimized VIP (Vertically Integrated PNP)
• 1% Initial Output Accuracy process, the LP3879 delivers superior performance:
Designed for Use with Low ESR Ceramic Ground Pin Current: Typically 5.5 mA @ 800 mA
Capacitors load, and 200µA@ 100µA load.
Very Low Output Noise Low Power Shutdown: The LP3879 draws less than
• Sense Option Improves Load Regulation 10 μA quiescent current when shutdown pinis pulled
8-Lead SO PowerPad and WSON Surface low.
Mount Packages Precision Output: Ensured output voltage accuracy
• <10 μA Quiescent Currentin Shutdown is 1%at room temperature.
Low Ground Pin Currentatall Loads Low Noise: Broadband output noiseis only 18 μV
High Peak Current Capability (typical) with10 nF bypass capacitor.
Over-Temperature/Over-Current Protection -40°Cto +125°C Junction Temperature Range
APPLICATIONS ASIC Power Supplies In: Desktops, Notebooks and Graphic Cards Set Top Boxes, Printers and Copiers DSP and FPGA Power Supplies SMPS Post-Regulator