LP3855EMPX-ADJ ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3852/LP3855n Guaranteed output current of 1.5A DCare developed on a CMOS proces ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorapplicationsTypical Application Circuits20031001**SDandERRORpinsmustbepulledhighthrougha10kΩpull-up ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3852/LP3855n Guaranteed output current of 1.5A DCare developed on a CMOS proces ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ NOPB ,1.5A Fast Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators 5-SOT-223 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3855-ADJ fast ultra low-dropout linear2• Ultra Low Dropout Voltageregulat ..
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1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
1.5A Fast Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear
General DescriptionThe LP3852/LP3855 seriesof fast ultra low-dropout linear
regulators operate froma +2.5Vto +7.0V input supply. Wide
rangeof preset output voltage options are available. These
ultra low dropout linear regulators respond very quicklyto
step changesin load, which makes them suitablefor low
voltage microprocessor applications. The LP3852/LP3855
are developedona CMOS process which allows low quies-
cent current operation independentof output load current.
This CMOS process also allows the LP3852/LP3855to op-
erate under extremely low dropout conditions.
Dropout Voltage: Ultra low dropout voltage; typically 24mV 150mA load current and 240mVat 1.5A load current.
Ground Pin Current: Typically 4mAat 1.5A load current.
Shutdown Mode: Typically 10nA quiescent current when
the shutdownpinis pulled low.
Error Flag: Error flag goes low when the output voltage
drops 10% below nominal value.
SENSE: Sensepin improves regulationat remote loads.
Precision Output Voltage: Multiple output voltage options
are available ranging from 1.8Vto 5.0V witha guaranteed
accuracyof ±1.5%at room temperature, and ±3.0% overall
conditions (varying line, load, and temperature).
Features Ultra low dropout voltage Stable with selected ceramic capacitors Low groundpin current Load regulationof 0.06% 10nA quiescent currentin shutdown mode Guaranteed output currentof 1.5A DC Availablein TO-263, TO-220 and SOT-223 packages Output voltage accuracy± 1.5% Error flag indicates output status Sense option improves load regulation Overtemperature/overcurrent protection −40˚Cto +125˚C junction temperature range
Applications Microprocessor power supplies GTL, GTL+, BTL, and SSTL bus terminators Power suppliesfor DSPs SCSI terminator Post regulators High efficiency linear regulators Battery chargers Other battery powered applications
Typical Application Circuits**SD andERRORpins must bepulledhigh througha 10kΩpull-up resistor. Connectthe ERRORpinto groundifthis functionisnot used.See Application Hints
for more information.
March 2004