LP365N ,Micropower Programmable Quad ComparatorLP265/LP365MicropowerProgrammableQuadComparatorDecember1994LP265/LP365MicropowerProgrammableQuadCom ..
LP365N ,Micropower Programmable Quad ComparatorLP265/LP365MicropowerProgrammableQuadComparatorDecember1994LP265/LP365MicropowerProgrammableQuadCom ..
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Micropower Programmable Quad Comparator
December 1994
LP265/LP365 Micropower Programmable
Quad Comparator
General Description
The LP365 consistsof four independent voltage compara-
tors. The comparators canbe programmed, fouratthe
same time,for various supply currents, input currents,re-
sponse times and output current drives. Thisis accom-
plishedby connectinga single resistor betweenthe VCC
and ISET pins.
These comparatorscanbe operated from split power sup-
pliesor froma single power supply overa wide rangeof
voltages. The inputcan sense signalsat ground level even
with single supply operation. The unique output NPN tran-
sistor stagesare uncommittedto either power supply. They
canbe connected directlyto various logic system suppliesthat theyare highly flexibleto interface with various logic
Application areas include battery power circuits, threshold
detectors, zero crossing detectors, simple serial A/D con-
verters, VCO, multivibrators, voltage converters, powerse-
quencers,and high performanceV/F converters,and RTD
Features Single programming resistorto tailor power consump-
tion, input current, speed and output current drive
capability Wide single supply voltage rangeor dual supplies(4
VDCto36 VDCor g2.0 VDCto g18 VDC) Low supply current drain (10 mA) and low power
consumption (10 mW/comparator)@ ISETe0.5mA
VCCe 5VDC Uncommitted output stageÐselectable output levels Output directly compatible with DTL, TTL, CMOS, MOS other special logic families Input common-mode range includes ground Differential input voltage equalto the power supply
Typical Connection
Programming Equation
ISETe (Va)b(Vb)b1.3V
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumberLP365M, LP365ANorLP365N
SeeNS PackageNumbers M16A orN16A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.