LP339MX/NOPB ,Ultra-Low Power Quad Comparator 14-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indi ..
LP339N ,Ultra-Low Power Quad ComparatorGeneral Descriptionn Sensing at groundThe LP339 consists of four independent voltage compara-n Comp ..
LP3470IM5-2.63 ,Tiny Power On Reset CircuitLP3470 Tiny Power On Reset CircuitSeptember 2000LP3470Tiny Power On Reset Circuitn Custom Reset Thr ..
LP3470IM5-2.93 ,Tiny Power On Reset CircuitApplicationscapacitor) after V has risen above the threshold voltage.CCn Critical µP and µC Power M ..
LP3470IM5-2.93 ,Tiny Power On Reset CircuitGeneral Descriptionbetween 2.4V and 5.0V contact your NationalThe LP3470 is a micropower CMOS volta ..
LP3470IM5-3.08 ,Tiny Power On Reset CircuitFeaturesvoltage (V ) options: 2.63V, 2.93V, 3.08V, 3.65V, 4.00V,RTH4.38V, and 4.63V. If other volta ..
LT1012AIS8 ,Picoamp Input Current, Microvolt Offset, Low Noise Op Amp
LT1012AIS8 ,Picoamp Input Current, Microvolt Offset, Low Noise Op Amp
LT1013 ,Quad Precision Op Amp (LT1014) Dual Precision Op Amp (LT1013)Maximum Ratings.. 48.1 Application Information........ 206.2 ESD Ratings........ 48.2 Typical Appli ..
LT1013ACJ8 ,Quad Precision Op Amp
LT1013AMJ8 ,Quad Precision Op Amp
LT1013AMJ8 ,Quad Precision Op Amp
Ultra-Low Power Quad Comparator
LP339 LP339 Ultra-Low Power Quad Comparator Literature Number: SNOSBE0A