LP311M ,LP311 Voltage Comparatorapplications where fastYSame pin-out as LM311response is not needed. It operates over a wide range ..
LP311M ,LP311 Voltage ComparatorFeaturesYLow power drain, 900 mW on 5V supplyThe LP311 is a low power version of the industry-stand ..
LP311MX ,Voltage ComparatorFeaturesYLow power drain, 900 mW on 5V supplyThe LP311 is a low power version of the industry-stand ..
LP311P ,Single, Low-Power, Strobed Differential Comparator with Open Collector and Emitter Outputsmaximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfunctio ..
LP324 ,Micropower Quad Operational AmplifierFEATURESD, N, OR PW PACKAGE• Low Supply Current . . . 85 μA Typ(TOP VIEW)• Low Offset Voltage . . . ..
LP324DR ,Ultra-Low-Power Quadruple Operational Amplifiers 14-SOIC 0 to 70maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functi ..
LT1009S8#PBF ,2.5V Reference
LT1009S8#TRPBF ,2.5V Reference
LT1010CDD#PBF ,Fast 150mA Power Buffer
LT1011ACJ8 ,Voltage Comparator
LT1011CS8#PBF ,Voltage Comparator
LT1011IS8 ,Voltage Comparator
LP311 Voltage Comparator
February 1995
LP311 Voltage Comparator
General Description
The LP311isalow power versionofthe industry-standard
LM311.It takes advantageof stable high-value ion-implant- resistorsto performthe samefunctionasan LM311,with 30:1 reductionin power drain,but onlya6:1 slowdownof
response time. Thusthe LP311is well suitedfor battery-
powered applications,andall other applications wherefast
responseisnot needed.It operates overa wide rangeof
supply voltages from36V downtoa single3V supply, with
less than200mA drain,butitisstill capableof drivinga25
mAload.TheLP311is quite easytoapply withoutany oscil-
lation,if ordinary precautionsare takento minimize stray
coupling fromthe outputto either inputortothe balance
pins(as describedin the LM311 datasheet Application
Features Low power drain,900mWon5V supply Operates from g15Vora single supplyaslowas3V Outputcan drive25mA Emitter outputcan swing below negative supply Response time:1.2ms Same pin-outas LM311 Low input currents:2nAof offset,15nAof bias Large common-mode input range: b14.6Vto 13.6V
with g15V supply
Applications Level-detectorfor battery-powered instruments Low-power lampor relay driver Low-power zero-crossing detector
Schematic Diagram
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
OrderNumber LP311M orLP311N
SeeNS Package Numbers M08Aor N08E
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.