LP2988IMX-2.8 ,Micropower/ 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset Delay; Low Noise Version Available (LP2988)Featuresn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
LP2988IMX-3.2 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayLP2987/LP2988 Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with ProgrammablePower-On Rese ..
LP2988IMX-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayApplicationsError Flag/Reset: The error flag goes low when the outputn Cellular Phonedrops approxim ..
LP2989AILD-1.8 ,Micropower 500 mA Low Noise Low-Dropout Regulator for Applications with Output Voltages < 2VApplications with Output Voltages 2VDesigned for Use with Very Low ESR Output Capacitors
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Micropower/ 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset Delay; Low Noise Version Available (LP2988)
Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage
Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset Delay;
Low Noise Version Available (LP2988)
General DescriptionThe LP2987/8are fixed-output 200mA precision LDO volt-
age regulators with power-ON reset delay which canbe
implemented usinga single external capacitor.
The LP2988is specifically designedfor noise-critical appli-
cations. Asingleexternal capacitor connectedtothe Bypass
pin reduces regulator output noise.
Usingan optimized VIP™ (Vertically Integrated PNP) pro-
cess, these regulators deliver superior performance:
DropoutVoltage: 180mV @200mA load,and 1mV @1mA
load (typical).
GroundPin Current: 1mA@ 200mA load,and200μA@mA load (typical).
Sleep Mode:The LP2987/8 draws less than2 μAquiescent
current when shutdownpinis heldlow.
Error Flag/Reset:The errorflag goeslow whenthe output
drops approximately5% below nominal. Thispin also pro-
videsa power-ON reset signalifa capacitoris connectedto
the DELAYpin.
Precision Output:Standardproductversionsofthe LP2987
and LP2988are availablewith output voltagesof 5.0V, 3.8V,
3.3V, 3.2V, 3.0V,or 2.8V,with guaranteed accuracyof 0.5%
(“A” grade)and1% (standard grade)at room temperature.
Features Ultralow dropout voltage Power-ON reset delay requires onlyone component Bypasspinfor reduced output noise (LP2988) Guaranteed continuous output current200mA Guaranteed peak output current> 250mA SO-8and mini SO-8 surface mount packages<2μA quiescent current when shutdown Low groundpin currentatall loads 0.5% output voltage accuracy(“A” grade) Wide supply voltage range (16V max) Overtemperature/overcurrent protection −40˚Cto +125˚C junction temperature range
Applications Cellular Phone Palmtop/Laptop Computer Camcorder, Personal Stereo, Camera
Block DiagramsVIP™isa trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
March 1999
Delay 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100017