LP2985AITPX-1.8NOPB ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator 5-DSBGA -40 to 125Features... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 148.1 Application Information........ 142 Appl ..
LP2985AITPX-2.7 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD Packagesapplications.n Smallest possible size (SOT-23, micro SMD package)™Using an optimized VIP (Verticall ..
LP2985AITPX-2.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesLP2985 Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMDPackagesMarch ..
LP2985AITPX-2.9 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2985 is a 150 mA, fixed-output voltage regulatordesigned t ..
LP2985AITPX-3.3 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesApplicationsuse absolute minimum board space.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: 1% tolerance output ..
LP2985IBL-1.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD packages for Applications with Output Voltages [Less_Than_Or_Equal] ...ApplicationsPrecision Output: 1% tolerance output voltages availablen Cellular Phone(A grade).n Pal ..
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Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125
2.2 µF
0.01 µF
1 µF
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LP2985LV-N Micropower 150-mA, Low-Noise, Low-Dropout Regulatorin SOT-23 and
DSBGA Packages Features Wide Supply Voltage Range: 2.2Vto16V Ensured 150-mA Output Current Requires Minimum External Components Stable With Low-ESR Output Capacitor < 1-µA Quiescent Current When Shut Down Low Ground Pin Currentatall Loads Output Voltage Accuracy 1%(A Grade) High Peak Current Capability Low ZOUT: 0.3-Ω Typical (10 Hzto1 MHz) Overtemperature/Overcurrent Protection −40°Cto +125°C Junction Temperature Range
Applications Cellular Phone Palmtop/Laptop Computer Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Camcorder, Personal Stereo, Camera
DescriptionThe LP2985LV-Nisa 150-mA, fixed-output voltage
regulator designedto provide high performance and
low noisein applications requiring output voltages≤2
Using an optimized vertically integrated PNP (VIP)
process, the LP2985LV-N delivers unequaled
performancein all specifications critical to battery-
powered designs: Ground Pin Current: Typically 825 µAat 150-mA
load, and75 µAat 1-mA load. Enhanced Stability: The LP2985LV-Nis stable
with output capacitor equivalent series resistance
(ESR) as low as5 mΩ, which allows the useof
ceramic capacitorson the output. Sleep Mode: Less than 1-µA quiescent current
when ON/OFF pinis pulled low. Precision Output: 1% tolerance output voltages
available(A grade). Low Noise: By addinga 10-nF bypass capacitor,
output noise canbe reducedto30 µV (typical).
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application