LP2978AIM5X-3.8 ,Micropower SOT, 50 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulatorapplications.n Requires minimum external components™Using an optimized VIP (Vertically Integrated P ..
LP2978IM5-3.8 ,Micropower SOT, 50 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorBlock DiagramDS100935-1VIP™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. 2000 National Sem ..
LP2978IM5X-3.8 ,Micropower SOT, 50 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorElectrical CharacteristicsLimits in standard typeface are for T = 25˚C. and limits in boldface type ..
LP2978IM5X-3.8 ,Micropower SOT, 50 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorApplicationsSmallest Possible Size: SOT-23 package uses absoluten Cellular Phoneminimum board space ..
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Micropower SOT, 50 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator
Micropower SOT, 50 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout
Designed for Use with Very Low ESR Output Capacitors
General DescriptionThe LP2978isa50 mA, fixed-output voltage regulator de-
signedto provide ultra low-dropout and low noisein battery
powered applications.
Usingan optimized VIP™ (Vertically Integrated PNP) pro-
cess, the LP2978 delivers unequalled performanceinall
specifications criticalto battery-powered designs:
Dropout Voltage: Typically 120mV@50 mAload, and7 mV1 mA load.
Ground Pin Current: Typically 350μA@50 mA load, andμA@1 mA load.
Enhanced Stability: The LP2978is stable with output ca-
pacitor ESRas lowas5 mΩ, which allowsthe useof ceramic
capacitorson the output.
Sleep Mode: Less than1 μA quiescent current when
ON/OFFpinis pulled low.
Smallest Possible Size: SOT-23 package uses absolute
minimum board space.
Precision Output: 1% tolerance output voltages available grade).
Low Noise:By addinga10nF bypass capacitor, output
noise canbe reducedto30μV (typical).
Features Ultra low dropout voltage Smallest possible size (SOT-23 Package) Requires minimum external components Stable with low-ESR output capacitor <1μA quiescent current when shut down Low groundpin currentatall loads Output voltage accuracy 1%(A Grade) High peak current capability Wide supply voltage range (16V max) Low ZOUT: 0.3Ω typical (10Hzto1 MHz) Overtemperature/overcurrent protection −40˚Cto +125˚C junction temperature range Custom voltages available
Applications Cellular Phone Palmtop/Laptop Computer Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Camcorder, Personal Stereo, Camera
Block DiagramDS100935-1
July 2000