LP2960IN-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsFeaturesn Output voltage adjusts from 1.23V–29VThe LP2960 is a micropower voltage regulator with ve ..
LP2960IN-5.0 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics Limits in standard typeface are for T 25˚C, and limits in boldface type ..
LP2966 ,Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout Regulatorapplications. Each LDO in the LP2966 has independentn Guaranteed 150mA output current at each outpu ..
LP2966IMM-1818 ,Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorBlock Diagram10085031Connection Diagram10085032Top ViewMini SO-8 Package8-Lead Small Outline Integr ..
LP2966IMM-1830 ,Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorApplicationsDropout Voltage: Varies linearly with load current. Typicallyn Cellular and Wireless
LP2966IMM-1833 ,Dual 150mA Ultra Low-Dropout Regulatorapplications. Each LDO in the LP2966 has independentn Guaranteed 150mA output current at each outpu ..
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Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout Regulators
Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout Regulators
General DescriptionThe LP2960isa micropower voltage regulatorwith verylow
dropout voltage(12mV typicalat1mA load and 470mV
typicalat 500mA load) and verylow quiescent current
(450μA typicalat1mA load).
The LP2960is ideally suitedfor battery-powered systems:
the quiescent current increases only slightlyat dropout,
which prolongs batterylife.
The LP2960 retainsallthe desirable characteristicsofthe
LP2953,and offers increased output current.
The errorflag goeslowany timethe output drops morethanoutof regulation.
Reverse battery protectionis provided.
The LP2960 requires only10μFof output capacitancefor
stability(5V version).
The internal voltage referenceis made availablefor external
use,providinga low-T.C. reference withvery goodregulation
The partsare availablein 16-pin plasticDIPand 16-pinsur-
face mount packages.
Features Output voltage adjusts from 1.23V–29V Guaranteed500mA output current5Vand 3.3V versions available 16-pinDIPand 16-pinSO packages Low dropout voltage Low quiescent current Tightlineand load regulation Low temperature coefficient Current limitingand thermal protection Logic-level shutdown Canbe wiredfor snap-ONand snap-OFF Reverse battery protection
Applications High-efficiency linear regulator Regulator with under-voltage shutdown Low dropout battery-powered regulator Cellular telephones
Block DiagramDS011962-1
April 1999
Regulators 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011962