LP2954IMX ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorLP2954/LP2954A 5V and Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorsJune 1999LP2954/LP2954A5V ..
LP2954IS ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorLP2954/LP2954A 5V and Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorsJune 1999LP2954/LP2954A5V ..
LP2954IS/NOPB ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator 3-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP2954 is a 5-V micropower LDO with very low1• 5-V Output within 1.2% Ove ..
LP2954IT ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn 5V output within 1.2% over temperature (A grade)The LP2954 is a 5V micropower voltage reg ..
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5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator
LP2954/LP2954A and Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage
General DescriptionThe LP2954isa5V micropower voltage regulator with very
low quiescent current(90μA typicalat1mA load)and very
low dropout voltage (typically60 mVat light loads and
470mVat250mA load current).
The quiescent current increases only slightlyat dropout
(120μA typical), which prolongs batterylife.
The LP2954 witha fixed5V outputis availableinthe
three-lead TO-220 and TO-263 packages. The adjustable
LP2954is providedin an8-lead surfacemount,small outline
package.The adjustableversionalso providesa resistornet-
work whichcanbepin strappedtosetthe outputto5V.
Reverse battery protectionis provided.
The tightlineand load regulation (0.04% typical),as wellas
verylow output temperature coefficient makethe LP2954
well suitedforuseasa low-power voltage reference.
Output accuracyis guaranteedat both room temperature
and overthe entire operating temperature range.
Features5V output within 1.2% over temperature(A grade) Adjustable 1.23to 29V output voltage available
(LP2954IMand LP2954AIM) Guaranteed250mA output current Extremelylow quiescent current Low dropout voltage Reverse battery protection Extremely tightlineand load regulation Verylow temperature coefficient Currentand thermal limitingPin compatible with LM2940and LM340(5V version
only) Adjustable version adds errorflagto warnof output drop
anda logic-controlled shutdown
Applications High-efficiency linear regulator Low dropout battery-powered regulator
Package Outline and Ordering Information
TO-220 3–Lead Plastic PackageDS011128-2
Front View
Order Number LP2954AITor LP2954IT
SeeNS Package T03B
SO-8 Small Outline Surface MountDS011128-33
Top View
Order Number LP2954AIMor LP2954IM
SeeNS Package M08AJune 1999
Regulators©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011128