LMZ14203TZE-ADJ/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 42V, 3A Power Module in Leaded Surface Mount TO Package 7-TO-PMOD -40 to 125 SNVS632S–DECEMBER 2009–REVISED JULY 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsNDW Package7-Pin TO-PMODT ..
LN0202GP3 ,Opto-Electronic DeviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings (T = 25
3A SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage
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LMZ14203 SIMPLE SWITCHER® 6-Vto 42-V, 3-A Power Modulein Leaded SMT-TO
Package Features Integrated Shielded Inductor& Simple PCB
Layout Flexible Start-Up Sequencing Using External Soft-
Start and Precision Enable Protection Against Inrush Currents and Faults
Suchas Input UVLO and Output Short Circuit –40°Cto 125°C Junction Temperature Range Single Exposed Pad and Standard Pinoutfor Easy
Mounting and Manufacturing Fast Transient Responsefor Powering FPGAs
and ASICs Low Output Voltage Ripple Pin-to-Pin Compatible Family: LMZ1420x (42V Maximum3A,2A,1A) LMZ1200x (20V Maximum3A,2A,1A) Fully Enabled for WEBENCH® Power Designer Electrical Specifications 18-W Maximum Total Output Power Upto 3-A Output Current Range6Vto42V Range 0.8Vto6Vto 90% High Ambient Temperature With Derating Reduces System Heat Emissions (Electromagnetic [EMI]) Tested With EN55022 Radiated Immunity EMI Test 4-3 Using the LMZ14203® Power Designer
Applications Pointof Load Conversions From 12-V and 24-V
Input Rail Space Constrained and High Thermal
Requirement Applications Negative Output Voltage Applications
(See AN-2027 SNVA425)
DescriptionThe LMZ14203 SIMPLE SWITCHER power modulean easy-to-use step-down DC-DC solution that can
drive up to 3-A load with exceptional power
conversion efficiency, line and load regulation, and
output accuracy. The LMZ14203is availablein an
innovative package that enhances thermal
performance and allows for hand or machine
The LMZ14203 can accept an input voltage rail
between6V and42V and deliveran adjustable and
highly accurate output voltage as low as 0.8V. The
LMZ14203 only requires three external resistors and
four external capacitors to complete the power
solution. The LMZ14203isa reliable and robust
design with the following protection features: thermal
shutdown, input UVLO, output overvoltage protection,
short-circuit protection, output current limit, and
allows start-up intoa prebiased output.A single
resistor adjusts the switching frequencyupto1 MHz.
Device Information (1)(2) Schematic Efficiency 12-V Inputat 25°C