LMZ14201EXTTZE/NOPB ,1A SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage for Military and Rugged App 7-TO-PMOD -55 to 125 SNVS664H–JUNE 2010–REVISED OCTOBER 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsNDW Package7-Pin TO-PMODTo ..
LMZ14201TZ-ADJ , LMZ14201 1A SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage
LMZ14203TZ-ADJ , LMZ14203 3A SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage
LMZ14203TZ-ADJ , LMZ14203 3A SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage
LMZ14203TZ-ADJ , LMZ14203 3A SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage
LMZ14203TZE-ADJ/NOPB ,SIMPLE SWITCHER? 6V to 42V, 3A Power Module in Leaded Surface Mount TO Package 7-TO-PMOD -40 to 125 SNVS632S–DECEMBER 2009–REVISED JULY 20175 Pin Configuration and FunctionsNDW Package7-Pin TO-PMODT ..
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1A SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Module with 42V Maximum Input Voltage for Military and Rugged App
6.0suchas Input UVLO and Output Short Circuit Single Exposed Pad and Standard PinoutMounting and Manufacturing SIMPLE SWITCHER® power• Fast Transient Responsefor Powering FPGAs easy-to-use step-down DC-DC solutionand ASICs upto 1-A load with exceptional• Low Output Voltage Ripple efficiency, line and load regulation, The LMZ14201EXTis available• Pin-to-Pin Compatible With Family Devices: package that enhances thermal– LMZ14203EXT/2EXT/1EXT and the device allows for hand or(42-V Maximum3A,2A,1A)– LMZ14203/2/1 (42-V Maximum3A,2A, can accept an input voltage rail– LMZ12003/2/1 (20-V Maximum3A,2A, and 42V and can deliver an adjustable• Fully Enabled for WEBENCH® Power Designer output voltage as low as 0.8V. only requires three external• Electrical Specifications four external capacitorsto complete the Total Output Power The LMZ14201EXTisa reliable and Current with the following protection features: input undervoltage lockout, output Range6Vto42V
overvoltage protection, short-circuit protection, output Range 0.8Vto6V current limit, and allows startup intoa prebiasedto 90% output. A single resistor adjusts the switching frequency upto1 MHz. Emissions and High Radiated Standard MIL-STD-883 ConditionA JESD22–B103B Standard MIL-STD-883 Method (2) Peak reflow temperature equals 245°C. See SNAA214forB JESD22–B110 ConditionB more details.
Application Schematic Efficiency 12-V Inputat 25°C