LMX3161VBHX ,Single Chip Radio TransceiverLMX3161 Single Chip Radio TransceiverPRELIMINARYNovember 1999LMX3161Single Chip Radio Transceivervi ..
LMX3162 ,Single Chip Radio TransceiverFeaturesV BiCMOS process (f = 18 GHz).Tn Single chip solution for ISM 2.45 GHz RF transceiverThe LM ..
LMX3162VBH ,Single Chip Radio TransceiverFeaturesV BiCMOS process (f = 18 GHz).Tn Single chip solution for ISM 2.45 GHz RF transceiverThe LM ..
LMX3162VBHX ,Single Chip Radio Transceiverfeatures on-chip voltage regulation to allow supplyn ISM 2.45 GHz frequency band wireless systemsvo ..
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Single Chip Radio Transceiver
Single Chip Radio Transceiver
General DescriptionThe LMX3161 Single Chip Radio Transceiverisa monolithic,
integrated radio transceiver optimizedforuseina DigitalEn-
hanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) system.Itis
fabricated using National’s ABiCV BiCMOS process
(fT=18 GHz).
The LMX3161 contains phase locked loop (PLL), transmit
and receive functions.The1.1 GHzPLL blockis sharedbe-
tween transmitand receive section.The transmitterincludes frequency doubler,anda high frequency buffer. There-
ceiver consistsofa2.0 GHzlow noise mixer,an intermediate
frequency(IF) amplifier,a high gain limiting amplifier,afre-
quency discriminator,a received signal strength indicator
(RSSI), andan analogDC compensation loop. The PLL,
doubler, and bufferscanbe usedto implement open loop
modulation along withan external VCO and loop filter.The
circuit features on-chip voltage regulationto allow supply
voltages ranging from 3.0Vto 5.5V. Two additional voltage
regulators providea stable supply sourceto externaldis-
crete stagesintheTxandRx chains.
TheIF amplifier, high gain limiting amplifier,and discrimina-
torare optimizedfor110 MHz operation, witha totalIF gain85dB. The single conversion receiver architecture pro-
videsalow cost, high performance solutionfor communica-
tions systems. The RSSI output maybe usedfor channel
quality monitoring.
The Single Chip Radio Transceiveris availableina 48-pin
7mmX 7mmX 1.4mm PQFP surface mount plastic pack-
Features Single chip solutionfor DECTRF transceiverRF sensitivityto−93 dBm; RSSI sensitivityto −100 dBm Two regulated voltage outputsfor discrete amplifiers High gain(85dB) intermediate frequency strip Allows unregulated 3.0V–5.5V supply voltage Power down modefor increased current savings System noise figure6.5dB (typ)
Applications Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) Personal wireless communications (PCS/PCN) Wireless local area networks (WLANs) Other wireless communications systems
Block DiagramMICROWIRE™ isatrademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
PRELIMINARYNovember 1999
ransceiver©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012815