LMX2531LQ2265E/NOPB ,High Performance Frequency Synthesizer System with Integrated VCO 36-WQFN -40 to 85FeaturesDevice Information– 2.8-V to 3.2-V OperationPART LOW BAND HIGH BANDLMX2531LQ1146E 553 — 592 ..
LMX2532LQ1065 ,PLLatinum Dual Frequency Synthesizer System with Integrated VCOsFeaturesn Small SizeLMX2522 and LMX2532 are highly integrated, high perfor-Small 5.0 mm x 5.0 mm x ..
LMX2532LQ1065 ,PLLatinum Dual Frequency Synthesizer System with Integrated VCOsFeaturesn Small SizeLMX2522 and LMX2532 are highly integrated, high perfor-Small 5.0 mm x 5.0 mm x ..
LMX2532LQX0967 ,PLLatinum Dual Frequency Synthesizer System with Integrated VCOsBlock Diagram20067201PLLatinum is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. 2003 National ..
LMX2541SQ2060E NOPB ,Ultra-Low Noise PLLatinum Frequency Synthesizer with Integrated VCO 36-WQFN -40 to 85 SNOSB31J–JULY 2009–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Device Comparison TableVCO LMX2541SQ2060E LMX2541SQ2380E ..
LMX2541SQ2380E/NOPB ,Ultra-Low Noise PLLatinum Frequency Synthesizer with Integrated VCO 36-WQFN -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LMX2541 device is an ultra low-noise frequency1• Multiple Frequency Optio ..
LR38266 , Digital Signal Processor for Color CCD Cameras
LR38269 , Digital Signal Processor for Color CCD Cameras
LR38574 , Timing Generator IC for 1 090 k/1 310 k-pixel CCDs
LR38580 , Single-chip Driver IC for 270 k/320 k-pixel B/W CCDs with Dual-power-supply Operation
LR38585 , Single-chip Driver IC for 270 k/320 k pixel B/W CCDs with Dual-power-supply Operation
LR38616 , Timing Generator IC for 2 140 k-pixel CCDs
High Performance Frequency Synthesizer System with Integrated VCO
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High-Performance Frequency Synthesizer System With Integrated VCO 3 DescriptionThe LMX2531 isa low-power, high-performance Frequency Options Available frequency synthesizer system which includesa fully Device Information Table integrated delta-sigma PLL and VCO with fully From: 553 MHzto 3132 MHz integrated tank circuit. The third and fourth poles are
also integrated and adjustable. Ultra-low noise and Features high-precision LDOs are integrated for the PLL and– Fractional-N Delta-Sigma Modulator Order VCO, which yield higher supply-noise immunity andProgrammableupto Fourth Order more consistent performance. When combined witha FastLock/Cycle Slip Reduction with Timeout high-quality reference oscillator, the LMX2531 device
Counter generates very stable, low-noise local-oscillator
signals for up and down conversion in wireless– Partially Integrated, Adjustable Loop Filter communication devices. The LMX2531 deviceisa– Very Low Phase Noise and Spurs monolithic integrated circuit, fabricated in an VCO Features advanced BiCMOS process. Several different
versions of this product accommodate different– Integrated Tank Inductor frequency bands.– Low Phase Noise Other Features
Device Information(1) 2.8-Vto 3.2-V Operation– Low Operating Current– Low Power-Down Current– 1.8-V MICROWIRE Support– 36-Pin 6-mm× 6-mm× 0.8-mm WQFNPackage
2 Applications• Cellular Base Stations• Wireless LANs• Broadband Wireless Access• Satellite Communications• Wireless Radios• Automotive• CATV Equipment Instrumentation and Test Equipment RFID Readers Data Converter Clocking (1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.