LMX2372SLBX ,PLLatinum⑩ Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsPin DescriptionsPin No.PinI/O Description24-Pin 20-PinNameCSP TSSOP24 1 V 1 — Power supply voltage ..
LMX2377USLBX ,PLLatinum Ultra Low Power Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communications LMX2377U 2.5 GHz/1.2 GHzFeaturesn Ultra Low Current ConsumptionThe LMX2377U device is a high performance frequencysynthesiz ..
LMX2430TM ,3.0 GHz/0.8 GHz PLLatinum Dual High Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communicationsfeatures low current consumption: n Mobile Handsets(GSM, GPRS, W-CDMA, CDMA, PCS, AMPS, PDC,LMX2430 ..
LMX2430TMX ,3.0 GHz/0.8 GHz PLLatinum Dual High Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsApplicationsfrom 2.25V to 2.75V are supported . The LMX243x family
LMX2433SLEX ,3.6 GHz/1.7 GHz PLLatinum Dual High Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsBlock Diagram20053501Note:1 (2) refers to Pin #1 of the 20-Pin UTCSP and Pin #2 of the 20-Pin TSSOP ..
LMX2433SLEX ,3.6 GHz/1.7 GHz PLLatinum Dual High Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsLMX2430/LMX2433/LMX2434 PLLatinum Dual High Frequency Synthesizer for RF PersonalCommunicationsMay ..
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PLLatinum⑩ Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communications
PLLatinum™ Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF
Personal Communications
LMX2370 2.5 GHz/1.2 GHz
LMX2371 2.0 GHz/1.2 GHz
LMX2372 1.2 GHz/1.2 GHz
General DescriptionThe LMX237X familyof monolithic, integrated dual fre-
quency synthesizers, including prescalers,is designedtobe
usedasafirstand second local oscillatorfor dual modeor
dualconversion transceivers.Itis fabricated usingNational’s
0.5u ABiCV silicon BiCMOS process. The LMX237X con-
tains two dual modulus prescalers.A 32/33ora 16/17
prescalercanbe selectedforthe2.5 GHzand2.0 GHzRF
synthesizerswith the16/17prescaler ratedforinput frequen-
cies below1.2 GHz.A 16/17oran8/9 prescalercanbese-
lectedforthe 1.2GHzRF synthesizerswiththe 8/9prescaler
ratedfor input frequencies below550 MHz. Usinga digital
phase locked loop technique,the LMX237Xcan generate
very stable,low noise control signalsfor UHFand VHF volt-
age controlled oscillators (VCO’s). Serial datais transferred
intothe LMX237Xviaa 1.8V three wire interface (Data,En-
able, Clock) compatible withlow voltage baseband proces-
sors. Supply voltage can range from 2.7Vto 5.5V. The
LMX237X family features verylow current consumption typi-
cally: LMX2370-6.0mA@3V, LMX2371-5.0mA@3V,
The LMX237Xare availableina 24-pad chip scale (CSP)or 20-pin TSSOP surface mount plastic package.
Features 2.7V–5.5V operation Ultralow current consumption Low phase detector noise floor Low voltage MICROWIRE™ interface (1.8Vupto VCC) Low prescaler values
32/33@fIN≤2.5 GHz
16/17@fIN≤1.2 GHz
8/9@fIN≤550 MHz Selectable charge pump current levels Selectable FastLock™ mode Enhanced ESD protection Small24pad chip scale package(3.5x4.5x1.0 mm)
Applications Portable wireless communications (PCS/PCN, cordless) Dual mode cellular telephone systems Spread spectrum communication systems (CDMA) CableTV tuners (CATV)
Functional Block DiagramFastLock™,PLLatinum™andMICROWIRE™aretrademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
Communications 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101026