LMX2364TM ,2.6 GHz Fractional RF Frequency Synthesizer with 850 MHz Integer-N IF Frequency SynthesizerApplicationscaler, a two level programmable charge pump, and dedi-n Digital Cellularcated FastLock ..
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2.6 GHz Fractional RF Frequency Synthesizer with 850 MHz Integer-N IF Frequency Synthesizer
2.6 GHz PLLatinum Fractional RF Frequency Synthesizer
with 850 MHz Integer IF Frequency Synthesizer
General DescriptionThe LMX2364 integratesa high performance2.6 GHz frac-
tional frequency synthesizer witha 850 MHz low power
Integer-N frequency synthesizer. Designedfor useina local
oscillator subsystemofa radio transceiver, the LMX2364
generates very stable, low noise control signalsfor UHF and
VHF voltage controlled oscillators.Itis fabricated using Na-
tional’s high performance BiCMOS process.
The RF Synthesizer supports both fractional and integer
modes. TheN counter containsa selectable, quadruple
modulus prescaler and can support fractional denominators
from1to 128.A flexible,4 level programmable charge pump
supplies output current magnitudes ranging from1 mAto16
mA. Onlya single word writeis requiredto powerup and
tune the synthesizertoa new frequency.
High performance FastLock™ technology makes the
LMX2364an excellent choicefor applications requiring ag-
gressive lock time while maintaining excellent phase noise
and spurious performance. The combinationofthe improved
FastLock circuitry, the enhanced fractional compensation
engine, and the programmable charge pump architecture
givesthe designer maximum freedomto optimizethe perfor-
manceof the synthesizerfor the target application. Inte-
grated timeout counters greatly simplify the programming
aspectsof FastLock. These timeout counters reduce the
demandsonthe microcontrollerby automatically disengag-
ing FastLock aftera perscribed numberof reference cyclesthe phase detector.
TheIF synthesizer includesa fixed 8/9 dual modulus pres-
caler,a two level programmable charge pump, and dedi-
cated FastLock circuitry withan integrated timeout counter.
The LMX2364 offers many performance enhancements over
the LMX2354. Improvementsinthe fractional compensation
make the spurson the LMX2364 approximately6dB bettera typical application. The higher and more flexible frac-
tional modulus combined withthe higher charge pump cur-
rents resultin phase noise improvementsonthe orderof10
dB. The cycle slip reduction circuitryofthe LMX2364is both
easyto use and effectivein reducing cycle slipping and
allows oneto use very high phase detector frequencies
without degrading lock times.
Serial datais transferredto the device viaa three-wire
interface (DATA, LE, CLK). The low voltage logic interface
allows direct connectionto 1.8 Volt and 3.0 Volt devices.
Supply voltages from 2.7Vto 5.5V are supported. Indepen-
dent charge pump suppliesfor each synthesizer allows the
designerto optimizethe bias levelforthe selected VCO. The
LMX2364 consumes 5.0 mA (typical)of currentin integer
mode and7.2 mA (typical)in fractional mode. The LMX2364 availableina24Pin Ultra Thin CSP package and24 Pin
TSSOP Package.
Features RF Synthesizer supports both Fractional and Integer
Operating Modes Pin Compatible upgradefor LMX2354 2.7Vto 5.5V operation Pin and programmable power down FractionalN divider supports fractional denominators
ranging from1 through 128 Supports Integer Mode Operation Programmable charge pump current levels
RF:4 level,1–16 mA
IF:2 level, 100/800uA FastLock Technology with integrated timeout counters Digital filtered& analog lock detect output FastLock Glitch Reduction Technology Enhanced Low Noise Fractional Compensation Engine Low voltage programming interface allows direct
connectionto 1.8V logic
Applications Digital Cellular GPRS IS-136 GAIT PDC EDGE CDMA Zero blind slot TDMA systems CableTV Tuners (CATV)
July 2003