LMX2240M ,Intermediate Frequency ReceiverFeaturesYTypical operation at 110 MHzThe LMX2240 is a monolithic, integrated intermediate fre-Y bqu ..
LMX2240MX ,Intermediate Frequency ReceiverApplicationsThe LMX2240 is intended to support single conversion re-YDigital European Cordless Tele ..
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Intermediate Frequency Receiver
April 1995
Intermediate Frequency Receiver
General Description
The LMX2240isa monolithic, integrated intermediatefre-
quency receiver suitableforusein Digital European Cord-
less Telecommunications (DECT) systemsaswellas other
mobile telephony and wireless communications applica-
tions.Itis fabricated using National’s ABiCTMIV BiCMOS
process(fTe15 GHz).
The LMX2240 consistsofa high gain limiting amplifier,a
frequency discriminator,anda received signal strength indi-
cator (RSSI).The high gain limiting amplifierand discrimina-
toroperateinthe40 MHzto150 MHz frequency range,and
the limiterhas approximately70dBof gain.Theuseofthe
limiterandthe discriminator providesalow cost, high per-
formance demodulatorfor communications systems. The
RSSI outputcanbe usedfor channel quality monitoring.
The LMX2240is intendedto support single conversionre-
ceivers. This device saves power, size,and costby eliminat-
ingthe second local oscillator (LO), second converter (mix-
er),and additionalfilters.The LMX2240 isrecommendedfor
systems with channel bandwidthsof300kHzto2.5 MHz.
The LMX2240is availableina 16-pin JEDEC surface mount
plastic package.
Features Typical operationat110 MHzRF sensitivityto b75 dBm; RSSI sensitivityto
b82 dBm High gain(70dB) limiting amplifier Average current consumption:480mAfor DECT
handset (burst mode) a3V operation Power down modefor increased current savings Partofa complete receiver solution withthe LMX2216
LNA/Mixer,the LMX2315/20 Phase-locked Loop, and
the LMX2411 Baseband Processor Compliantto ARi1TM specification
Applications Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) Portable wireless communications (PCS/PCN, cordless) Wireless local area networks (WLANs) Digital cellular telephone systems Other wireless communications systems
Functional Block Diagram
ABiCTMand ARi1TMaretrademarksof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.