LMV7239M5X/NOPB ,75 nsec, Ultra Low Pwr, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator w/ Open-Drain/Push-Pull Output 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Block Diagram... 10Information..... 204 Revision HistoryNOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions m ..
LMV7239M7 ,45 nsec, Ultra Low Power, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator with Open-Drain/Push-Pull Outputapplicationsextends 200mV below ground and 200mV above supply,n Available in space saving packages: ..
LMV7239M7X ,45 nsec, Ultra Low Power, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator with Open-Drain/Push-Pull Outputfeatures a push-pull output stage. This featuren Scannersallows operation without the need of an ex ..
LMV7239M7X ,45 nsec, Ultra Low Power, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator with Open-Drain/Push-Pull OutputLMV7235/LMV7239 45 nsec, Ultra Low Power, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator withOpen-Drain ..
LMV7251M7X ,1.8V Low Voltage Comparator with Rail-to-Rail InputFeaturesThe LMV7251/LMV7255 are rail-to-rail input low voltage (V = 1.8V, T = 25˚C, Typical values ..
LMV7255M5X ,1.8V Low Voltage Comparator with Rail-to-Rail InputElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
LQW15AN10NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN10NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN10NH00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN10NH00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN12NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN12NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
75 nsec, Ultra Low Pwr, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Input Comparator w/ Open-Drain/Push-Pull Output 0-WAFERSALE
Rising Edge
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LMV7235, LMV7239 and LMV7239-Q1 75-ns, Ultra Low Power, Low Voltage, Rail-to-Rail
Input Comparator with Open-Drain and Push-Pull Output Features 3 DescriptionThe LMV7235, LMV7239 and LMV7239-Q1 are ultra VS=5V,TA= 25°C (Typical Values Unless low power, low voltage, 75-ns comparators. They areOtherwise Specified) guaranteedto operate over the full supply voltage• Propagation Delay75ns rangeof 2.7Vto 5.5V. These devices achievea 75 Low supply Current65 µA ns propagation delay while consuming only 65 µAof
supply currentat5V.• Rail-to-Rail Input Open Drain and Push-pull Output The LMV7235, LMV7239 and LMV7239-Q1 havea
greater than rail-to-rail common mode voltage range.• Ideal for 2.7-V and 5-V Single Supply Applications The input common mode voltage range extends 200• Availablein Space-saving Packages: mV below ground and 200 mV above supply, allowing 5-pin SOT-23 both ground and supply sensing. 5-pin SC70 The LMV7235 features an open drain output. By LMV7239-Q1is Qualifiedfor Automotive connecting an external resistor, the outputof the
comparator canbe usedasa level shifter.Applications: Device Temperature AEC-Q100 Grade1: The LMV7239 and LMV7239-Q1 featuresa push-pull
-40°Cto 125°C Operating Range output stage. This feature allows operation without
the needofan external pull-up resistor.– Device HBM ESD Classification Level 1C
The LMV7235, LMV7239 and LMV7239-Q1 are
2 Applications available in the 5-Pin SC70 and 5-Pin SOT-23
packages, which are ideal for systems where small• Portable and Battery Powered Systems size and low poweris critical.• Set Top Boxes High Speed Differential Line Receiver
Device Information(1) Window Comparators• Zero-crossing Detectors• High Speed Sampling Circuits
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage Propagation Delay vs. Overdrive