LMV651MG/X ,12MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power AmplifierLMV651 12 MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power AmplifierPRELIMINARYSeptember 2005LMV65112 MHz, Low Voltage, ..
LMV651MGX ,12MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits are guaranteed for T = 25˚C, ..
LMV652MM , 12 MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power Amplifiers
LMV654MT , Quad, 12 MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power Amplifier
LMV654MT/NOPB ,12 MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power Amplifier 14-TSSOP -40 to 125features 12 MHz of bandwidth while consuming only116μA of current, which is an exceptional bandwidt ..
LMV654MTX/NOPB ,12 MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power Amplifier 14-TSSOP -40 to 125 SNOSAI7K–SEPTEMBER 2005–REVISED MAY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsLMV651 DBV or DCK Package ..
LQW15AN10NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN10NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN10NH00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN10NH00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN12NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
LQW15AN12NG00D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Horizontal Wire Wound
12MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power Amplifier
LMV651 MHz, Low Voltage, Low Power Amplifier
General DescriptionNational’s LMV651isa high performance,low powerop amp implementedin National’s advanced VIP50 process. The
unity gain stable LMV651 features12 MHzof bandwidth
while consuming only 110 uAof current,an exceptional
bandwidthto power ratioin thisop amp class, and maintains
stabilityfor capacitive loadsas largeas 500pF.
The LMV651 provides superior performance and economyin
termsof power and space usage. The LMV651 hasa maxi-
mum input offset voltageof1 mV,arailtorail output stage
andan input common-mode voltage range that includes
ground. The LMV651 providesa PSRRof95dB,a CMRRof
100dB anda total harmonic distortion (THD)of 0.003%at kHz frequency and 600Ω load
The LMV651 hasan operating supply voltage range from
2.7Vto 5.5V. The LMV651 can operate overa wide tempera-
ture range (-40˚Cto +125˚C) making theop amp idealfor
automotive applications, sensor applications and portable
equipment applications. The LMV651is availableinthe ultra
tiny SC70-5 package, whichis about half the sizeof the
Features(Typical5V supply, unless otherwise noted) Guaranteed 3.0V and 5.0V performance High unity gain bandwidth 12 MHz Low power supply current 110µA Max input offset voltage 1 mV Capacitive load drive capability 500pF CMRR 100dB PSRR 95dB Input referred voltage noise 17nV/ Output swing with2kΩ load 50 mV fromrail Total harmonic distortion 0.003%@1 kHz, 600Ω Temperature range −40˚Cto 125˚C
Applications Portable equipment Automotive Battery powered systems Sensors and Instrumentation
Open Loop Gain and phasevs. Frequency
THD+Nvs. Frequency
September 2005