LMV242LD ,Dual Output, Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Power Amplifier ControllerFeaturesn Support of InGaP HBT, bipolar technologyTheLMV242isapoweramplifier(PA)controllerintendedf ..
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Dual Output, Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Power Amplifier Controller
Dual Output, Quad-Band GSM/GPRS Power Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LMV242isa power amplifier (PA) controller intendedfor
use withinanRF transmit power control loopin GSM/GPRS
mobile phones. The LMV242 supportsall single-supply PA’s
including InGaP, HBT and bipolar power amplifiers. The
device operates witha single supply from 2.6Vto 5.5V.
IncludedinthePA controllerareanRF detector,a ramp filter
and two selectable output drivers that functionas error am-
plifiersfor two different bands. The LMV242 input interface
consists two analog and two digital inputs. The analog inputs
are the RF input, Ramp voltage input. The digital inputs
perform the functionof “Band Select” and “Shutdown/
Transmit Enable” respectively. The “Band Select” function
enables eitherof two outputs, namely OUT1 when BS=
High,or output OUT2 whenBS= Low. The output thatisnot
enabledis pulled lowto the minimum output voltage. The
LMV242is activeinthe case TX_EN= High. When TX_EN Low the deviceisina low power consumption shutdown
mode. During shutdown both outputswillbe pulled lowtothe
minimum output voltage. Individual PA characteristics are
accommodatedbya user selectable external RC combina-
The LMV242is offeredin fully testeddie formas wellasina
10-lead LLP package andis therefore especially suitablefor
small footprintPA module solutions.
Features Supportof InGaP HBT, bipolar technology Quad-band operation Shutdown modefor power saveinRX slot Integrated ramp filter50dBRF detector GPRS compliant External loop compensation option Accurate temperature compensation LLP package 3x3 mm and fully testeddie sales
Applications GSM/GPRS/TDMA/TD_SCDMA mobile phone PulseRF control Wireless LAN GSM/GPRS power amplifier module Transmit module
Typical ApplicationJuly 2004