LMV116MFX ,Low Voltage, 45MHz, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers with Shutdown Optionapplications (LMV118)premium.n Current sense amplifiern High speed transducer amplifierTypical Appl ..
LMV118MF ,Low Voltage, 45MHz, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers with Shutdown Optionapplications. Even with low supply current of 600µA,n Power down supply current 15µAoutput current ..
LMV118MFX ,Low Voltage, 45MHz, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers with Shutdown OptionElectrical Characteristics (Continued)+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for at ..
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Low Voltage, 45MHz, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifiers with Shutdown Option
Low Voltage, 45MHz, Rail-to-Rail Output Operational
Amplifiers with Shutdown Option
General DescriptionThe LMV116 (single) rail-to-rail output voltage feedback am-
plifiers offer high speed (45MHz), and low voltage operation
(2.7V)in additionto micro-power shutdown capability
Output voltage range extendsto within 20mVof either sup-
ply rail, allowing wide dynamic range especiallyin low volt-
age applications. Even with low supply currentof 600µA,
output current capabilityis keptata respectable ±20mAfor
driving heavier loads. Important device parameters suchas
BW, Slew Rate and output current are kept relatively inde-
pendentofthe operating supply voltagebya combinationof
process enhancements and design architecture.
For portable applications, the LMV118 provides shutdown
capability while keeping the turn-off currentto l5µA. Both
turn-on and turn-off characteristics are well behaved with
minimal output fluctuations during transitions. This allowsthe
parttobe usedin power saving mode,as wellas multiplex-
ing applications. Miniature packages (SOT23-5& SOT23-6)
are further meansto ease the adoptionof these low power
high speed devicesin applications where board areaisata
Features(VS= 2.7V,TA= 25˚C,RL =1kΩtoV+/2,AV= +1. Typical
values unless specified). −3dB BW 45MHz Supply voltage range 2.7Vto 12V Slew rate 40V/µs Supply current 600µA Power down supply current 15µA Output short circuit current 32mA Linear output current ±20mA Input common mode voltage −0.3Vto 1.7V Output voltage swing 20mV from rails Input voltage noise 40nV/ Input current noise 0.75pA/
Applications High speed clock buffer/driver Active filters High speed portable devices Multiplexing applications (LMV118) Current sense amplifier High speed transducer amplifier
Typical ApplicationNon-Inverting Clock Buffer Amplifier
October 2003