LMS1587CSX-1.5 ,5A and 3A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsFeaturesn Fast transient responseTheLMS1585AandLMS1587arelowdropoutpositiveregu-lators with output ..
LMS1587CSX-1.5/NOPB ,3A Low Dropout Fast Response Regulators 3-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125MAXIMUM RATINGSMaximum Input to Output Voltage (V to GND) 13VIN(3)Power Dissipation Internally Limi ..
LMS1587CSX-1.5/NOPB ,3A Low Dropout Fast Response Regulators 3-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125VINThermalLimitVOUTSubstrateGND (Fixed Output)tADJ. (Adjustable Output)tttTable 1. LMS1585A/LMS1587 ..
LMS1587CSX-3.3 ,3A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsLMS1585A/LMS1587 5A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsJuly 2001LMS1585A/LMS15875A and 3A Low Drop ..
LMS1587CSX-ADJ ,3A Low Dropout Fast Response RegulatorsFeaturesn Fast transient responseThe LMS1585A and LMS1587 are low dropout positive regu-lators with ..
LMS1587CSX-ADJ/NOPB ,3A Low Dropout Fast Response Regulators 3-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indi ..
LQH55DN100M03L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke)
LQH55DN100M03L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke)
LQH55DN222M03L , Chip Coils for Choke Large Current Type
LQH55DN2R2M03L , Chip Coils for Choke Large Current Type
5A and 3A Low Dropout Fast Response Regulators
LMS1585A/LMS1587 and 3A Low Dropout Fast Response Regulators
General DescriptionThe LMS1585Aand LMS1587 arelow dropout positive regu-
lators with output load currentof 5A and3A respectively.
Their low dropout voltage (1.2V) and fast transient response
make theman excellent solutionfor low voltage micropro-
cessor applications.
The LMS1585A/87 are availablein adjustable versions,
which can set the output voltage with only two external
resistors.In addition, they are also availablein 1.5V and
3.3V fixed voltage versions (Note9).
The LMS1585A/87 circuits includea zener trimmed bandgap
reference, current limiting and thermal shutdown.
The LMS1585A/87 series are availablein TO-220 and TO-
263 packages.
Features Fast transient response Availablein Adjustable, 1.5V, and 3.3V versions Current limiting and thermal protection Commercial temp. range 0˚Cto 125˚C Industrial temp. range −40˚Cto 125˚C Line regulation 0.005% (typical) Load regulation 0.05% (typical) Direct replacementfor LT™1585A/87
Applications Pentium™ processor supplies PowerPC™ supplies Other microprocessor supplies Low voltage logic supplies
Typical ApplicationConnection Diagrams
TO-220 TO-263
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June 2005