LMH6683MT ,190MHz Single Supply, Dual and Triple Operational Amplifiersapplications.n DP error 0.08˚Voltage feedback topology in operational amplifiers assuresn −3dB BW ( ..
LMH6683MT ,190MHz Single Supply, Dual and Triple Operational AmplifiersElectrical Characteristics+ − + +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for at T = 25˚C, ..
LMH6702MA ,1.7 GHz, Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op AmpApplications- Flash A/D driver - D/A transimpedance buffer - Wide dynamic range IF amp - Radar/ ..
LMH6702MA/NOPB ,1.7 GHz, Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op Amp 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LMH6702MAX ,1.7 GHz, Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op AmpElectrical Characteristics (Note 2)A = +2, V = ±5V, R = 100Ω,R = 237Ω; unless specifiedV S L FSymbo ..
LMH6702MF ,1.7 GHz, Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op AmpGeneral DescriptionThe LMH6702 is a very wideband, DC coupled monolithic operational amplifier desi ..
LQH3NPN100MM0L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type) LQH3NP_M0 Series (1212 Size)
LQH3NPN101MM0L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type)
190MHz Single Supply, Dual and Triple Operational Amplifiers
190MHz Single Supply, Dual and Triple Operational
General DescriptionThe LMH6682 and LMH6683 are high speed operational
amplifiers designedfor usein modern video systems. These
single supply monolithic amplifiers extend National’s feature-
rich, high value video portfolioto includea dual anda triple
version. The important video specificationsof differential
gain(± 0.01% typ.) and differential phase (±0.08 degrees)
combined withan output drive currentin each amplifierof
85mA makethe LMH6682 and LMH6683 excellent choices
forafull rangeof video applications.
Voltage feedback topologyin operational amplifiers assures
maximum flexibility and easeof usein high speed amplifier
designs. The LMH6682/83is fabricatedin National Semicon-
ductor’s VIP10 process. This advanced process providesa
superior ratioof speedto quiescient current consumption
and assures the userof high-value amplifier designs. Ad-
vanced technology and circuit design enablesin these am-
plifiersa −3db bandwidthof 190MHz,a slew rateof 940V/
µsec, and stabilityfor gainsof less than−1 and greater than
The input stage designof the LM6682/83 enablesan input
signal range that extends belowthe negative rail. The output
stage voltage range reachesto within 0.8Vof either rail
when drivinga 2kΩ load. Other attractive features include
fast settling and low distortion. Other applicationsfor these
amplifiers include servo control designs. These applications
are sensitiveto amplifiers that exhibit phase reversal when
the inputs exceedthe rated voltage range. The LMH6682/83
amplifiers are designedtobe immuneto phase reversal
when the specified input rangeis exceeded. See applica-
tions section. This feature makesfor design simplicity and
flexibilityin many industrial applications.
The LMH6682 dual operational amplifieris offeredin minia-
ture surface mount packages, SOIC-8, and MSOP-8. The
LMH6683 triple amplifieris offeredin SOIC-14 and TSSOP-
Features= ±5V,TA= 25˚C,RL= 100Ω,A=+2 (Typical values
unless specified) DG error 0.01% DP error 0.08˚ −3dB BW(A= +2) 190MHz Slew rate (VS= ±5V) 940V/µs Supply current 6.5mA/amp Output current +80/−90mA Input common mode voltage 0.5V beyondV−, 1.7V from+ Output voltage swing (RL =2kΩ) 0.8V from rails Input voltage noise (100KHz) 12nV/
Applications CD/DVD ROM ADC buffer amp Portable video Current sense buffer Portable communications
Connection Diagrams
SOIC-8/MSOP-8 (LMH6682) SOIC-14/TSSOP-14 (LMH6683)Top View
Top View
November 2002