LMH6611MKX/NOPB ,Single Supply 345 MHz Rail-to-Rail Output Amplifier 6-SOT -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics+− +−Unless otherwise specified, all limits are specified for T = +25°C, ..
LMH6612MAX/NOPB ,Single Supply, Dual 345 MHz Rail-to-Rail Output Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics+− +−Unless otherwise specified, all limits are specified for T = +25°C, ..
LMH6624MA ,Single/ Dual Ultra Low Noise Wideband Operational AmplifierFeatures- 1.5GHz gain-bandwidth product - 0,92nV/SqRtHz input voltage noise - 800uV input offset vo ..
LMH6624MF ,Single/ Dual Ultra Low Noise Wideband Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMH6624 combines a wide bandwidth (1.5GHz GBW) with very low input noise(092 ..
LMH6624MF ,Single/ Dual Ultra Low Noise Wideband Operational AmplifierApplications- Instrumentation sense amplifiers - Ultrasound pre-amps - Magnetic tape & disk pre-amp ..
LMH6624MFX ,Single/ Dual Ultra Low Noise Wideband Operational AmplifierFEATURES SECTIONoProcessing Subgrp Description Temp ( C)MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 1 Static tests ..
LQH32MN680J23L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for General Use Wire Wound Type
LQH3NPN100MM0L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type) LQH3NP_M0 Series (1212 Size)
Single Supply 345 MHz Rail-to-Rail Output Amplifier
LMH6611, LMH6612
LMH6611/LMH6612 Single Supply 345 MHz Rail-to-Rail Output Amplifiers
Checkfor Samples: LMH6611, LMH6612
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LMH6611 (single, with shutdown) and LMH6612
23• VS= 5V, RL=1 kΩ,TA= 25°C and AV= +1, (dual) are 345 MHz rail-to-rail output amplifiers
Unless Otherwise Specified. consuming just 3.2 mA of quiescent current per
• Operating Voltage Range 2.7Vto 11V channel and designedto deliver high performancein
Supply Current Per Channel 3.2 mA power conscious single supply systems. The
LMH6611 and LMH6612 have precision trimmed
• Small Signal Bandwidth 345 MHz input offset voltages with low noise and low distortion
• Open Loop Gain 103 dB performanceas required for high accuracy video, test
Input Offset Voltage (Limitat 25°C) ±1.5 mV and measurement, and communication applications.
The LMH6611 and LMH6612 are membersof the
• Slew Rate 460 V/µs PowerWise family and have an exceptional power-to-
• 0.1 dB Bandwidth45 MHz performance ratio.
• Settling Timeto 0.1%67ns Witha trimmed input offset voltageof 0.022 mV and
• Settling Timeto 0.01% 100 ns a high open loop gainof 103 dB the LMH6611 and
SFDR(f= 100 kHz, AV=2, VOUT=2 VPP) 102 LMH6612 meet the requirementsof DC sensitive high
dBc speed applications such as low pass filtering in
baseband I and Q radio channels. These
• Low Voltage Noise10 nV/√Hz specifications combined witha 0.01% settling timeof
• Output current ±100 mA 100 ns,a low noiseof10 nV/√Hz and better than 102
CMVR −0.2Vto 3.8V dBc SFDR at 100 kHz make these amplifiers
particularly suitedto driving 10, 12 and 14-bit high
• Rail-to-Rail Output speed ADCs. The 45 MHz 0.1 dB bandwidth (AV=2)
• −40°Cto +125°C Temperature Range driving2 VPP into 150Ω allows the amplifiersto be
used as output driversin 1080i and 720p HDTV
APPLICATIONS applications.
ADC Driver The input common mode range extends from 200 mV
DAC Buffer below the negative supply rail upto 1.2V from the
positive rail. Ona single 5V supply witha ground
• Active Filters terminated 150Ω load the output swingsto within 49
• High Speed Sensor Amplifier mVof the ground, whilea mid-rail terminated1 kΩ
Current Sense Amplifier load will swingto77 mVof either rail.
Video Amplifier Muxing