LMH6504MA ,Wideband, Low Power, Variable Gain AmplifierApplicationsTo provide ease of use when working with a single supply,n Variable attenuatorV range i ..
LMH6504MMX ,Wideband, Low Power, Variable Gain Amplifierapplications, seeLMH6503 data sheet.The combination of minimal external components and smalloutline ..
LMH6504MMX ,Wideband, Low Power, Variable Gain AmplifierFeatures™ ±The LMH 6504 is a wideband DC coupled voltage con- V = 5V,T =25˚C,R =1KΩ,R =100Ω,R =100Ω ..
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Wideband, Low Power, Variable Gain Amplifier
Wideband, Low Power, Variable Gain Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LMH™6504isa wideband DC coupled voltage con-
trolled gain stage followedbya high-speed current feedback Amp which can directly drivealow impedance load. Gain
adjustment rangeis80dBforupto10 MHzby varying the
gain control input voltage, VG.
Maximum gainissetby external components, andthe gain
canbe reducedallthe wayto cut-off. Power consumptionis
110 mW witha speedof 150 MHz anda gain control band-
width (BW)of 150 MHz. Output referredDC offset voltageis
less than55 mV overthe entire gain control voltage range.
Device-to-device gain matchingis within ±0.42dBat maxi-
mum gain. Furthermore, gainis tested and guaranteed over wide range. The output current feedbackOp Amp allows
high frequency large signals (Slew Rate> 1500 V/µs) and
can also drivea heavy load current (60 mA). Near ideal input
characteristics (i.e. low input bias current, low offset, lowpin resistance) enablethe devicetobe easily configuredasan
inverting amplifieras well (see Application Information sec-
tionfor details). provide easeof use when working witha single supply, rangeissettobe from0Vto +2V relativeto the ground
pin potential (pin4).VG input impedanceis highin orderto
ease drive requirement.In single supply operation, the
groundpinis tiedtoa "virtual" half supply.
LMH6504 gain controlis linearindBfora large portionofthe
total gain control range. This makes the device suitablefor
AGC applications. For linear gain control applications, see
LMH6503 data sheet.
The combinationof minimal external components and small
outline packages (SO8 and MSOP8) allowsthe LMH6504to usedin space-constrained applications.
Features= ±5V,TA= 25˚C,RF =1KΩ,RG= 100Ω,RL= 100Ω,AV
=AVMAX= 9.7V/V, Typical values unless specified.−3dB BW 150 MHz Gain control BW 150 MHz Adjustment range (<10 MHz) 80dB Output offset voltage ±55 mV Gain matching (limit) ±0.42dB Supply voltage range 7Vto 12V Slew rate (inverting) 1500 V/µs Supply Current(no load) 11 mA Linear Output Current ±60 mA Output Voltage Swing ±2.2V Input Noise Voltage 4.4 nV/ Input Noise Current 2.6 pA/ THD (20 MHz,RL= 100Ω,VO =2VPP) −45dBc Replacementfor CLC5523
Applications Variable attenuator AGC Voltage controlled filter Video imaging processing
Typical Application
AVMAX= 9.7 V/V
June 2004