LMF60CIN-100 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass FilterLMF60HighPerformance6th-OrderSwitchedCapacitorButterworthLowpassFilterMay1996LMF60HighPerformance6t ..
LMF60CIWM100 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass FilterFeaturesYCutoff frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 30 kHzThe LMF60 is a high performance, precision, 6th- ..
LMF60CIWM50 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filterapplications, or for tighter cutoff fre-Yquency control, a TTL or CMOS logic compatible clock can C ..
LMF60CIWM50 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filterapplications, or for tighter cutoff fre-Yquency control, a TTL or CMOS logic compatible clock can C ..
LMF60CIWM-50 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass FilterLMF60HighPerformance6th-OrderSwitchedCapacitorButterworthLowpassFilterMay1996LMF60HighPerformance6t ..
LMF60CIWM-50 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass FilterFeaturesYCutoff frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 30 kHzThe LMF60 is a high performance, precision, 6th- ..
LQH32CN1R0M23L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke)
LQH32CN1R0M33L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke)
LQH32CN1R0M33L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke)
LQH32CN1R0M53L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke) LQH32C_53 Series
LQH32CN1R0M53L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke) LQH32C_53 Series
LQH32CN221K23L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke)
LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filter
May 1996
LMF60 High Performance
6th-Order Switched Capacitor
Butterworth Lowpass Filter
General Description
The LMF60isa high performance, precision, 6th-orderBut-
terworth lowpass active filter.Itis fabricated using Nation-
al’s LMCMOS process,an improvedsilicon-gate CMOSpro-
cess specifically designedfor analog products. Switched-
capacitor techniques eliminate external component require-
mentsand allowa clock-tunable cutoff frequency. The ratiothe clock frequencytothe low-pass cutoff frequencyis
internallysetto 50:1 (LMF60-50)or 100:1 (LMF60-100).A
Schmitt trigger clock input stage allows two clockingop-
tions, either self-clocking(viaan external resistor andca-
pacitor)for stand-aloneapplications, orfor tighter cutofffre-
quency control,a TTLor CMOS logic compatible clockcan directly applied.The maximallyflat passband frequency
response togetherwithaDC gainof 1V/V allows cascading
LMF60 sectionsfor higher-order filtering.In additiontothe
filter,two independent CMOSop ampsare includedonthe
dieandare usefulforany general signal conditioning appli-
cations. The LMF60ispin-and functionally-compatiblewith
the MF6,but provides improved performance.
Features Cutoff frequency rangeof0.1Hzto30 kHz Cutoff frequency accuracyof g1.0%, maximum Low offset voltage g100mV, maximum, g5V supply Low clock feedthroughof10 mVp–p, typical Dynamic rangeof88dB, typical Two uncommittedop amps availableNo external components required 14-pinDIPor 14-pin wide-body S.O. package Single/Dual Supply Operation:
a4Vto a14V (g2Vto g7V) Cutoff frequencysetby externalor internal clock Pin-compatible withthe MF6
Applications Communication systems Audio filtering Anti-alias filtering Data acquisition noise filtering Instrumentation High-order tracking filters
Block and Connection Diagrams
All Packages
Order Number LMF60CMJ-50,
(5962-9096 701MCAor
(5962-9096 702MCA
See NSPackageNumberJ14A
Order Number LMF60CIWM-50 LMF60CIWM-100
See NSPackageNumber M14B
Order NumberLMF60CIN-50
SeeNS Package Number N14A
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M56/Printed inU.S.A.