LMF100CIWMX ,High Performance Dual Switched Capacitor FilterFeaturesblock. Each block has 3 outputs. One output can be config-n Wide 4V to 15V power supply ran ..
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LMF60CIWM100 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass FilterFeaturesYCutoff frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 30 kHzThe LMF60 is a high performance, precision, 6th- ..
LMF60CIWM50 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filterapplications, or for tighter cutoff fre-Yquency control, a TTL or CMOS logic compatible clock can C ..
LMF60CIWM50 ,LMF60 High Performance 6th-Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass Filterapplications, or for tighter cutoff fre-Yquency control, a TTL or CMOS logic compatible clock can C ..
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LQH32CN101K53L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type for Choke) LQH32C_53 Series
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High Performance Dual Switched Capacitor Filter
High Performance Dual Switched Capacitor Filter
General DescriptionThe LMF100 consistsoftwo independent general purpose
highperformanceswitchedcapacitorfilters. Withan external
clock and2to4 resistors, various second-order and
first-order filtering functions canbe realizedby each filter
block. Each blockhas3 outputs. One outputcanbe config-
uredto perform eitheran allpass, highpass,or notch func-
tion.The othertwo outputs perform bandpassand lowpass
functions.The center frequencyof each filter stageis tuned
byusingan external clockor acombinationofa clockandre-
sistor ratio.Uptoa 4th-order biquadratic functioncanbere-
alized witha single LMF100. Higher order filtersare imple-
mentedby simply cascading additional packages,and allthe
classical filters (suchas Butterworth, Bessel, Elliptic, and
Chebyshev)canbe realized.
The LMF100is fabricatedon National Semiconductor’s high
performance analog silicon gate CMOS process,
LMCMOS™. This allowsforthe productionofa verylowoff-
set, high frequency filter building block. The LMF100is
pin-compatible withthe industry standard MF10,but pro-
vides greatly improved performance.
Features Wide4Vto15V power supply range Operationupto100kHz Low offset voltage: typically
(50:1or 100:1 mode): Vos1= ±5mV
Vos2= ±15mV
Vos3= ±15mV Low crosstalk −60dB Clockto center frequency ratio accuracy ±0.2% typicalf0xQ rangeupto1.8 MHz Pin-compatible with MF10
4th Order 100 kHz Butterworth Lowpass Filter
Connection DiagramLMCMOS™ isatrademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
Surface Mount and Dual-In-Line PackageDS005645-18
Top View
Order Number
SeeNS Package Number N20Aor M20BJuly 1999
Filter©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005645