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Dual High Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier
www.ti.com SNAS429B –JANUARY 2008–REVISED APRIL 2013
LME49723 Dual High Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LME49723
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LME49723is partof the ultra-low distortion, low
Easily Drives 600Ω Loads noise, high slew rate operational amplifier series
• Optimized for Superior Audio Signal Fidelity optimized and fully specified for high performance,
Output Short Circuit Protection high fidelity applications. Combining advanced
leading-edge process technology with state-of-the-art
• PSRR and CMRR Exceed 100dB (typ) circuit design, the LME49723 audio operational
• SOIC Package amplifiers deliver superior audio signal amplification
for outstanding audio performance. The LME49723
APPLICATIONS combines extremely low voltage noise density
(3.6nV/√Hz) with vanishingly low THD+N (0.0002%)
• High Quality Audio Amplification to easily satisfy the most demanding audio
• High Fidelity Preamplifiers applications. To ensure that the most challenging
• High Fidelity Multimedia loads are driven without compromise, the LME49723
hasa high slew rateof ±20V/μs andan output current
• Phono Pre Ampscapability of ±26mA. Further, dynamic range is
• High Performance Professional Audio maximized by an output stage that drives 2kΩ loads
• High Fidelity Equalization and Crossover to within 1Vof either power supply voltage andto
Networks within 1.4V when driving 600Ω loads.
High Performance Line Drivers The LME49723's outstanding CMRR (100dB), PSRR
High Performance Line Receivers (100dB), and VOS (0.3mV) give the amplifier excellent
operational amplifier DC performance.
• High Fidelity Active FiltersThe LME49723 hasa wide supply rangeof ±2.5Vto
KEY SPECIFICATIONS ±17V. Over this supply range the LME49723’s input
circuitry maintains excellent common-mode and
• Power Supply Voltage Range: ±2.5to ±17V power supply rejection, as well as maintainingits low
• THD+N (AV=1, VOUT= 3VRMS,fIN= 1kHz) input bias current. The LME49723 is unity gain
RL= 2kΩ: 0.0002% (typ) stable.
RL= 600Ω: 0.0002% (typ) The LME49723is availableinan 8–lead narrow body
Input Noise Density: 3.6 nV/√Hz (typ) SOIC package. Demonstration boards are available
for each package.
• Slew Rate:±8 V/μs (typ)17 MHz (typ)= 105 dB (typ) 200 nA (typ)