LMD18245 ,3A, 55V DMOS Full-Bridge Motor DriverFeaturesYDMOS power stage rated at 55V and 3A continuousThe LMD18245 full-bridge power amplifier in ..
LMD18245 ,3A, 55V DMOS Full-Bridge Motor DriverApplicationsstructure eliminates the discrete diodes typically required toYclamp bipolar power stag ..
LMD18245T ,3A, 55V DMOS Full-Bridge Motor Driverapplications, an externalDAC can be used.Functional Block and Connection Diagram(15-Lead TO-220 Mol ..
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3A, 55V DMOS Full-Bridge Motor Driver
September 1996
3A, 55V DMOS Full-Bridge Motor Driver
General Description
The LMD18245 full-bridge power amplifier incorporatesall
the circuit blocks requiredto driveand control currentina
brushed typeDC motororone phaseofa bipolar stepper
motor. The multi-technology process usedto buildthede-
vice combines bipolarand CMOS controland protectioncir-
cuitry with DMOS power switchesonthe same monolithic
structure. The LMD18245 controlsthe motor currentviaa
fixed off-time chopper technique.all DMOS H-bridge power stage delivers continuousout-
put currentsupto3A(6A peak)at supply voltagesupto
55V. The DMOS power switches featurelow RDS(ON)for
high efficiency, anda diode intrinsictothe DMOS body
structure eliminatesthe discrete diodes typically requiredto
clamp bipolar power stages. innovative current sensing method eliminatesthe power
loss associatedwitha sense resistorin series withthemo-
tor.A four-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) providesa
digital pathfor controllingthe motor current, and,by exten-
sion, simplifies implementationof full,half and microstep
stepper motor drives.For higher resolution applications,an
external DACcanbe used.
Features DMOS power stage ratedat 55Vand3A continuous Low RDS(ON)of typically 0.3Xper power switch Internal clamp diodes Low-loss current sensing method Digitalor analog controlof motor current TTLand CMOS compatible inputs Thermal shutdown (outputsoff)atTJe 155§C Overcurrent protectionNo shoot-through currents 15-lead TO-220 molded power package
Applications Full,halfand microstep stepper motor drives Stepper motorand brushedDC motor servo drives Automated factory, medicaland office equipment
Functional Block and Connection Diagram (15-Lead TO-220 Molded PowerPackage(T))
OrderNumber LMD18245T
SeeNS Package Number TA15A
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M96/Printed inU.S.A. http://