LMC8101BP ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownApplicationsn Portable Communication (voice, data)n Cellular Phone Power Amp Control Loopn Buffer A ..
LMC8101BP ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownApplicationsn Portable Communication (voice, data)n Cellular Phone Power Amp Control Loopn Buffer A ..
LMC8101BPX ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownLMC8101 Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownMay 2004LMC810 ..
LMC8101MM ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownFeatures+V = 2.7V, T = 25˚C, R to V /2, Typical values unlessThe LMC8101 is a Rail-to-Rail Input an ..
LMC8101MMX ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with Shutdownapplications requiring Rail-to-n Rail-to-Rail InputsRail inputs and output. The LMC8101 is supplied ..
LMC8101TP ,Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownLMC8101 Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with ShutdownMay 2004LMC810 ..
LQH2MCN100K02L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type) LQH2MC_02 Series (0806 Size)
LQH2MCN100K02L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) Power Inductor (Wire Wound Type) LQH2MC_02 Series (0806 Size)
LQH31MN180K03L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for General Use Wire Wound Type LQH31M Series
LQH31MN1R0K03L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for General Use Wire Wound Type LQH31M Series
LQH31MN1R0K03L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for General Use Wire Wound Type LQH31M Series
LQH31MN1R8J03L , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for General Use Wire Wound Type LQH31M Series
Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in micro SMD package with Shutdown
Rail-to-Rail Input and Output, 2.7V Op Amp in
micro SMD package with Shutdown
General DescriptionThe LMC8101isa Rail-to-Rail Input and Output high perfor-
mance CMOS operational amplifier. The LMC8101is ideal
for low voltage (2.7Vto 10V) applications requiring Rail-to-
Rail inputs and output. The LMC8101is suppliedin thedie
sized micro SMDas wellasthe8pin MSOP packages. The
micro SMD package requires 75% less board spaceas
comparedto the SOT23-5 package. The LMC8101isan
upgradeto the industry standard LMC7101.
The LMC8101 incorporatesa simple user controlled meth-
odologyfor shutdown. This allows easeof use while reduc-
ing the total supply currentto 1nA typical. This extends
batterylife where power savingis mandated. The shutdown
input threshold canbeset relativeto eitherV+orV− using
theSLpin (see Application Note sectionfor details).
Other enhancements include improved offset voltage limit,
three timesthe output current drive and lower1/f noise when
comparedtothe industry standard LMC7101Op Amp. This
makesthe LMC8101 idealfor usein many battery powered,
wireless communication and Industrial applications.
Features= 2.7V,TA= 25˚C,RLtoV+/2, Typical values unless
specified. Rail-to-Rail Inputs Rail-to-Rail Output
Swing Within 35mVof Supplies (RL =2kΩ) Packages Offered: micro SMD package 1.39mmx 1.41mm MSOP package 3.0mmx 4.9mm Low Supply Current <1mA (max) Shutdown Current 1µA (max) Versatile Shutdown feature 10µs turn-on Output Short Circuit Current 10mA Offset Voltage ±5 mV (max) Gain-Bandwidth 1MHz Supply Voltage Range 2.7V-10V THD 0.18% Voltage Noise 36
Applications Portable Communication (voice, data) Cellular Phone Power Amp Control Loop Buffer AMP Active Filters Battery Sense VCO Loop
Connection Diagrams
8-Pin MSOP micro SMDTop View
Top View
May 2004