LMC6772 ,Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain OutputFeatures (Typicalunlessotherwisenoted)Y eLow power consumption (max) I 10 mA/compThe LMC6772 is an ..
LMC6772AIM ,Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain OutputFeaturesThe LMC6772 is an ultra low power dual comparator with a (Typical unless otherwise noted)ma ..
LMC6772AIMM ,Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain OutputElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
LMC6772AIMMX ,Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain OutputApplicationsoutput to be pulled to any voltage rail up to 15V, regardlessof the supply voltage of t ..
LMC6772AIMMX ,Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain OutputElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
LMC6772AIMX ,Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain OutputElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
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Dual Micro-Power Rail-to-Rail Input CMOS Comparator with Open Drain Output
September 1995
LMC6772 Dual
Micropower Rail-To-Rail Input CMOS Comparator
with Open Drain Output
General Description
The LMC6772isan ultralow power dual comparatorwitha
maximum10 mA/comparator power supply current.Itisde-
signed tooperate over awide rangeof supply voltages,with minimum supply voltageof 2.7V.
The common mode voltagerangeofthe LMC6772 exceeds
boththe positiveand negative supply rails,a significantad-
vantagein single supply applications.The open drain outputthe LMC6772 allowsfor wired-OR configurations. The
open drain output also offersthe advantageof allowingthe
outputtobe pulledtoany voltagerailupto 15V, regardlessthe supply voltageofthe LMC6772.
The LMC6772is targeted forsystems wherelow power con-
sumptionisthe critical parameter. Guaranteed operationat
supply voltagesof 2.7V and rail-to-rail performance makes
this comparator idealfor battery-powered applications.
Refertothe LMC6762 datasheetfora push-pull output
stage versionofthis device.
Features (Typicalunless otherwise noted) Low power consumption (max) ISe10 mA/comp Wide rangeof supply voltages 2.7Vto 15V Rail-to-Rail Input Common Mode Voltage Range Open drain output Short circuit protection 40mA Propagation delay
(@VSe5V, 100mV overdrive) 5ms
Applications Laptop computers Mobile phones Metering systems Hand-held electronicsRC timers Alarmand monitoring circuits Window comparators, multivibrators
Connection Diagram
8-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
Ordering Information
Package TemperatureRange NSC Drawing Transport
b40§Cto a85§C Media
8-Pin MoldedDIP LMC6772AIN,LMC6772BIN N08E Rails
8-Pin Small Outline LMC6772AIM, LMC6772BIM M08A Rails
LMC6772AIMX, LMC6772BIMX M08A Tape andReel
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.