LMC6682BIM ,Low Voltage / Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSLMC6681 Single/LMC6682 Dual/LMC6684 Quad Low Voltage, Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSAmplifier w ..
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Low Voltage / Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOS
LMC6681 Single/LMC6682 Dual/LMC6684 Quad
Low Voltage, Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOS
Amplifier with Powerdown
General DescriptionThe LMC6681/2/4isa high performance operational ampli-
fier whichcan operate overa wide rangeof supply voltages,
with guaranteed specificationsat 1.8V, 2.2V,3V,5V, and
The LMC6681/2/4 providesan input common-mode voltage
range that exceeds both supplies. The rail-to-rail output
swingofthe amplifier assures maximum dynamic signal
range. This rail-to-rail performanceofthe amplifier, com-
bined withits high open-loop voltage gain makesit unique
among CMOS rail-to-rail amplifiers. The LMC6681/2/4isan
excellent choicefor circuits wherethe common-mode volt-
age rangeisa concern.
The LMC6681/2/4hasa powerdown mode which canbe
controlled externally.Inthis powerdown mode,the supply
current decreases from 700μAper amplifierto less than1
μAperamplifier.The LMC6684hastwo powerdown options.
Eachofthe powerdown pins disablestwo amplifiers.
The LMC6681/2/4has been designed specifically toimprove
system performanceinlow voltage applications.The ampli-
fier’s80fA input current,0.5mV offset voltage,and82dB
CMRR maintain accuracyin battery-powered systems.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted) Guaranteed Specsat 1.8V, 2.2V,3V,5V, 10V Rail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
(within10mVof supplyrail,@ VS=3Vand RL=10kΩ) Powerdown ModeISOFF≤1.5 μA/Amplifier
(GuaranteedatVS= 1.8V, 2.2V,3V,and5V) Ultra Low Input Current 80fA High Voltage Gain(VS=3V,RL=10 kΩ): 120dB Unity Gain Bandwidth 1.2 MHz
Applications Battery Operated Circuits Sensor Amplifiers Portable Communication Devices Medical Instrumentation Battery Monitoring Circuits Level Detectors, Sample-and-Hold Circuits
Connection Diagrams
8-Pin DIP/SODS012042-1
Top View
14-Pin DIP/SODS012042-2
Top View
16-Pin DIP/SODS012042-3
Top ViewMay 1995
Powerdown 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012042