LMC662EM ,CMOS Dual Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Peak detectorn Rail-to-rail output swingn Medical instrumentationn Specified for 2 kΩ and ..
LMC6681AIM ,Low Voltage, Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSFeaturesThe LMC6681/2/4 is a high performance operational ampli- (Typical unless otherwise noted)fi ..
LMC6681AIN ,Low Voltage, Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSapplications. The ampli-n Level Detectors, Sample-and-Hold Circuitsfier’s 80 fA input current, 0.5 ..
LMC6682AIM ,Low Voltage / Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSFeaturesThe LMC6681/2/4 is a high performance operational ampli- (Typical unless otherwise noted)fi ..
LMC6682AIN ,Low Voltage / Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSApplicationsThe LMC6681/2/4 has a powerdown mode which can ben Battery Operated Circuitscontrolled ..
LMC6682BIM ,Low Voltage / Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSLMC6681 Single/LMC6682 Dual/LMC6684 Quad Low Voltage, Rail-To-Rail Input and Output CMOSAmplifier w ..
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CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier
CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LMC662 CMOS Dual operational amplifieris idealfor
operationfroma single supply. Itoperatesfrom +5Vto +15V
and features rail-to-rail output swingin additiontoan input
common-mode range that includes ground. Performance
limitations that have plagued CMOS amplifiersinthe past
arenota problem withthis design. Input VOS, drift, and
broadband noiseaswellas voltage gaininto realistic loadskΩ and 600Ω)areall equaltoor better than widelyac-
cepted bipolar equivalents.
This chipis built with National’s advanced Double-Poly
Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
Seethe LMC660 datasheetfora Quad CMOS operational
amplifier with these same features.
Features Rail-to-rail output swing Specifiedfor2kΩand 600Ω loads High voltage gain: 126dB Low input offset voltage:3mV Low offset voltage drift: 1.3 μV/˚C Ultralow input bias current:2fA Input common-mode range includesV− Operating range from +5Vto +15V supplyISS=400 μA/amplifier; independentofV+ Low distortion: 0.01%at10kHz Slew rate: 1.1 V/μs Availablein extended temperature range (−40˚Cto
+125˚C); idealfor automotive applications Availabletoa Standard Military Drawing specification
Applications High-impedance bufferor preamplifier Precision current-to-voltage converter Long-term integrator Sample-and-hold circuit Peak detector Medical instrumentation Industrial controls Automotive sensors
Connection Diagram
Ordering Information
Package Temperature Range NSC
MediaMilitary Extended Industrial Commercial8-Pin LMC662AMJ/883 J08A Rail
8-Pin LMC662EM LMC662AIM LMC662CM M08A Rail,
Small Outline Tapeand Reel
8-Pin LMC662EN LMC662AIN LMC662CN N08E Rail
Side Brazed LMC662AMD D08C Rail
8-Pin DIP/SODS009763-1
April 1998
Amplifier©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009763