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CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 85
www.ti.com SNOSBZ3D –APRIL 1998–REVISED MARCH 2013
LMC660 CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LMC660
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LMC660 CMOS Quad operational amplifieris
Rail-to-Rail Output Swing ideal for operation froma single supply.It operates
• Specified for2 kΩ and 600Ω Loads from +5Vto +15.5V and features rail-to-rail output
High Voltage Gain: 126 dB swingin additionto an input common-mode range
that includes ground. Performance limitations that
• Low Input Offset Voltage: 3 mV have plagued CMOS amplifiersin the past are nota
• Low Offset Voltage Drift: 1.3 μV/°C problem with this design. Input VOS, drift, and
• Ultra Low Input Bias Current: 2fA broadband noiseas wellas voltage gain into realistic
loads(2 kΩ and 600Ω) areall equaltoor better than
• Input Common-Mode Range IncludesV−widely accepted bipolar equivalents.
• Operating Range from +5Vto +15.5V SupplyThis chipis built with TI's advanced Double-Poly
• ISS= 375 μA/Amplifier; IndependentofV+Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
• Low Distortion: 0.01%at10 kHzSee the LMC662 datasheet fora dual CMOS
• Slew Rate: 1.1 V/μs operational amplifier with these same features.
APPLICATIONS High-Impedance Bufferor Preamplifier Precision Current-to-Voltage Converter Long-Term Integrator Sample-and-Hold Circuit Peak Detector Medical Instrumentation Industrial Controls Automotive Sensors
Connection Diagrams Figure2. LMC660 Topology