LMC6492 ,Dual CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifierapplicationsthatoperatefrom 40 C§a Yto 125§C. This feature is well-suited for automotive sys- Rail- ..
LMC6492AEM ,Dual CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
LMC6492AEN ,CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierApplicationsUltra-low input current of 150 fA and 120 dB open loop gain n Automotive transducer amp ..
LMC6492BEM ,Dual CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierFeatures(Typical unless otherwise noted)The LMC6492/LMC6494 amplifiers were specifically devel-oped ..
LMC6494AEM ,Quad CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierLMC6492 Dual/LMC6494 Quad CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierAugust 2000LMC649 ..
LMC6494AEM ,Quad CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierLMC6492 Dual/LMC6494 Quad CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierAugust 2000LMC649 ..
LQG15HN5N1S02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN5N6S02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN5N6S02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN68NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN6N8J02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN6N8J02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
Dual CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier
October 1994
LMC6492 Dual/LMC6494 Quad CMOS Rail-to-Rail
Input and Output Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LMC6492/LMC6494 amplifiers were specifically devel-
opedfor single supplyapplicationsthat operate from b40§C a125§C. This featureis well-suitedfor automotive sys-
tems becauseofthe wide temperature range.A uniquede-
sign topology enablesthe LMC6492/LMC6494 common-
mode voltage rangeto accommodate input signals beyond
the rails. This eliminates non-linear output errorsduetoin-
put signals exceedinga traditionally limited common-mode
voltage range.The LMC6492/LMC6494 signal rangehasa
high CMRRof82dBfor excellent accuracyin non-inverting
circuit configurations.
The LMC6492/LMC6494 rail-to-rail inputis complemented rail-to-rail output swing. This assures maximum dynamic
signal range whichis particularly importantin5V systems.
Ultra-low input currentof150fAand120dB open loop gain
provide high accuracy and direct interfacing with highim-
pedance sources.
Features (Typicalunless otherwise noted) Rail-to-Rail input common-mode voltage range, guaran-
teed over temperature Rail-to-Rail output swing within20mVof supply rail,
100kX load Operates from5Vto 15V supply Excellent CMRRand PSRR 82dB Ultralow input current 150fA High voltage gain(RLe100kX) 120dB Low supply current(@VSe5V) 500 mA/Amplifier Low offset voltagedrift 1.0 mV/§C
Applications Automotive transducer amplifier Pressure sensor Oxygen sensor Temperature sensor Speed sensor
Connection Diagrams
Top View
Ordering Information
Package Temperature Range Transport
Media Drawing
Extended b40§Cto a125§C
8-Pin Small Outline LMC6492AEM Rails
LMC6492AEMX Tape andReelLMC6492BEMX
8-Pin MoldedDIP LMC6492AEN Rails N08ALMC6492BEN
14-Pin Small Outline LMC6494AEM Rails
LMC6494AEMX Tape andReelLMC6494BEMX
14-Pin MoldedDIP LMC6494AEN Rails N14ALMC6494BEN
14-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.