LMC6484IM ,CMOS Quad Rail to Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierLMC6484 CMOS Quad Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierAugust 2000LMC6484CMOS Quad Ra ..
LMC6484IM. ,CMOS Quad Rail to Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierFeatures(Typical Unless Otherwise Noted) - Rail-to-Rail input common-mode voltage range. (Guarant ..
LMC6484IMX ,CMOS Quad Rail to Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMC6484 provides a common-mode range that extends to both supply rails. This ..
LMC6484IN ,CMOS Quad Rail to Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 08/16/95MNLMC6484AM-X REV 1A2Last Update Date: 03/10 ..
LMC6492 ,Dual CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifierapplicationsthatoperatefrom 40 C§a Yto 125§C. This feature is well-suited for automotive sys- Rail- ..
LMC6492AEM ,Dual CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ − +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = ..
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CMOS Quad Rail to Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier
CMOS Quad Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational
General DescriptionThe LMC6484 providesa common-mode range that extends both supply rails. This rail-to-rail performance combined
with excellent accuracy, duetoa high CMRR, makesit
unique among rail-to-rail input amplifiers.is idealfor systems, suchas data acquisition, that require large input signal range.The LMC6484is alsoan excellent
upgradefor circuits using limited common-mode range am-
plifiers suchas the TLC274 and TLC279.
Maximum dynamic signal rangeis assuredin low voltage
and single supply systemsby the LMC6484’s rail-to-rail out-
put swing. The LMC6484’s rail-to-rail output swingis guaran-
teedfor loads downto 600Ω.
Guaranteed low voltage characteristics and low power dissi-
pation make the LMC6484 especially well-suited for
battery-operated systems.
Seethe LMC6482 data sheetfora Dual CMOS operational
amplifier with these same features.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted) Rail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage Range
(Guaranteed Over Temperature) Rail-to-Rail Output Swing (within20 mVof supply rail,
100kΩ load) Guaranteed 3V,5V and 15V Performance Excellent CMRR and PSRR: 82dB Ultra Low Input Current: 20fA High Voltage Gain (RL= 500 kΩ): 130dB Specifiedfor2kΩ and 600Ω loads
Applications Data Acquisition Systems Transducer Amplifiers Hand-held Analytic Instruments Medical Instrumentation Active Filter, Peak Detector, Sample and Hold,pH
Meter, Current Source Improved Replacementfor TLC274, TLC279
Single Supply Buffer Circuit
Rail-to-Rail InputDS011714-1
Rail-to-Rail OutputDS011714-3
August 2000