LMC6482AIM/NOPB ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LMC6482AIMX ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMC6482 provides a common-mode range that extends to both supply rails. This ..
LMC6482AIMX NOPB ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LMC6482AIMX/NOPB ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics for V = 3 V..... 711.2 Electrostatic Discharge Caution. 306.7 Typical Ch ..
LMC6482AIN ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMC6482 provides a common-mode range that extends to both supply rails. This ..
LMC6482IM ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 08/16/95MNLMC6482AM-X REV 0A0Last Update Date: 05/19 ..
LQG15HN12NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN12NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN12NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN18NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN18NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN1N0S02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier
A1 ±0.18 V 50s
A2 ±0.18 V
500mV 50s
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
LMC6482 CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier Features 3 DescriptionThe LMC6482 device providesa common-mode Typical Unless Otherwise Noted range that extends both supply rails. This rail-to-rail• Rail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage Range performance combined with excellent accuracy, due(Ensured Over Temperature) toa high CMRR, makesit unique among rail-to-rail Rail-to-Rail Output Swing (Within 20-mVof Supply input amplifiers. The deviceis ideal for systems, such data acquisition, that requirea large input signalRail, 100-kΩ Load)
range. The LMC6482is also an excellent upgrade for• Ensured 3-V, 5-V, and 15-V Performance circuits using limited common-mode range amplifiers• Excellent CMRR and PSRR:82 dB suchas the TLC272 and TLC277. Ultralow Input Current:20fA Maximum dynamic signal rangeis assuredin low• High Voltage Gain(RL= 500k Ω): 130 dB voltage and single supply systems by the rail-to-rail Specifiedfor 2-kΩ and 600-Ω Loads output swingof the LMC6482. The rail-to-rail output
swingis ensured for loads downto 600Ωof the• Power-Good Output device. Ensured low-voltage characteristics and low-• Availablein VSSOP Package power dissipation make the LMC6482 especially well-
suited for battery-operated systems. LMC6482is also
2 Applications availableina VSSOP package, whichis almost half
the sizeofa SOIC-8 device. See the LMC6484 data• Data Acquisition Systems sheet fora quad CMOS operational amplifier with• Transducer Amplifiers these same features.• Hand-held Analytic Instruments
Device Information(1)• Medical Instrumentation• Active Filter, Peak Detector, Sample and Hold, pHMeter, Current Source• Improved Replacement for TLC272, TLC277
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Rail-to-Rail Input Rail-to-Rail Output