LMC6464BIN ,Quad Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 04/03/96MNLMC6464AM-X REV 1A1Last Update Date: 05/19 ..
LMC6482AIM ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierLMC6482 CMOS Dual Rail-To-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierSeptember 2003LMC6482CMOS Dual ..
LMC6482AIM. ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierApplications- Data Aquisition Systems. - Transducer Amplifiers. - Hand-held Analytic Instruments. - ..
LMC6482AIM/NOPB ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LMC6482AIMX ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMC6482 provides a common-mode range that extends to both supply rails. This ..
LMC6482AIMX NOPB ,CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
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Quad Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational Amplifier
LMC6462 Dual/LMC6464 Quad
Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS
Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LMC6462/4isa micropower versionof the popular
LMC6482/4, combining Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Range
with very low power consumption.
The LMC6462/4 providesan input common-mode voltage
range that exceeds both rails. The rail-to-rail output swingof
the amplifier, guaranteedfor loads downto25 kΩ, assures
maximum dynamic sigal range. This rail-to-rail performancethe amplifier, combined withits high voltage gain makesit
unique among rail-to-rail amplifiers. The LMC6462/4isan
excellent upgradefor circuits using limited common-mode
range amplifiers.
The LMC6462/4, with guaranteed specificationsat3V and
5V,is especially well-suitedfor low voltage applications.A
quiescent power consumptionof60 µW per amplifier(atVS 3V) can extendthe usefullifeof battery operated systems.
The amplifier’s 150fA input current, low offset voltageof
0.25 mV, and85dB CMRR maintain accuracyin battery-
powered systems.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted) Ultra Low Supply Current 20 µA/Amplifier Guaranteed Characteristicsat3V and5V Rail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
(within10 mVof rail,VS=5V andRL =25 kΩ) Low Input Current 150fA Low Input Offset Voltage 0.25 mV
Applications Battery Operated Circuits Transducer Interface Circuits Portable Communication Devices Medical Applications Battery Monitoring
8-Pin DIP/SO 14-Pin DIP/SOTop View
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Low-Power Two-Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier
February 2004