LMC6462 ,Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational AmplifierFeatures (Typicalunlessotherwisenoted)YUltra Low Supply Current 20 mA/AmplifierThe LMC6462/4 is a m ..
LMC6462AIM ,Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational AmplifierFeatures- Low offset voltage. 500uV - Ultra low supply current. ..
LMC6462AIMX/NOPB ,Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics (continued)+− +Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for T = 25 ..
LMC6462AIN ,Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational Amplifierfeatures, plus its low power consumption, make the LMC6462 ideally suited forbattery powered
LMC6462BIM ,Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 04/03/96MNLMC6462AM-X REV 1A1Last Update Date: 05/19 ..
LMC6462BIMX ,Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LMC6462 is a dual low offset voltage amplifier, combining rail-to-rail Input ..
LQG15HN12NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
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LQG15HN12NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN18NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN18NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN1N0S02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
Dual Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input and Output CMOS Operational Amplifier
February 1995
LMC6462 Dual/LMC6464 Quad
Micropower, Rail-to-Rail Input
and Output CMOS Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LMC6462/4isa micropower versionofthe popular
LMC6482/4,combining Rail-to-Rail Inputand Output Range
with verylow power consumption.
The LMC6462/4 providesan input common-mode voltage
rangethat exceeds both rails.The rail-to-railoutput swingof
the amplifier, guaranteedfor loads downto25kX, assures
maximum dynamic sigal range. This rail-to-rail performancethe amplifier, combined withits high voltage gain makesit
unique among rail-to-rail amplifiers. The LMC6462/4isan
excellent upgradefor circuits using limited common-mode
range amplifiers.
The LMC6462/4, with guaranteed specificationsat3Vand
5V,is especially well-suitedforlow voltage applications.A
quiescent power consumptionof60mWper amplifier(atVS3V)can extendthe usefullifeof battery operated sys-
tems.The amplifier’s150 fAinputcurrent,low offset voltage 0.25mV,and85dB CMRR maintain accuracyin battery-
powered systems.
Features (Typicalunless otherwise noted) Ultra Low Supply Current 20 mA/Amplifier Guaranteed Characteristicsat3Vand5V Rail-to-Rail Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
(within10mVofrail,VSe5VandRLe25kX) Low Input Current 150fA Low Input Offset Voltage 0.25mV
Applications Battery Operated Circuits Transducer Interface Circuits Portable Communication Devices Medical Applications Battery Monitoring
Connection Diagrams
8-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
14-Pin DIP/SO
Ordering Information
TemperatureRange NSC Transport
Military Industrial Drawing Media
b55§Cto a125§C b40§Cto a85§C
8-Pin MoldedDIP LMC6462AMN LMC6462AIN, LMC6462BIN N08E Rails
8-Pin SO-8 LMC6462AIM, LMC6462BIM M08A Rails
LMC6462AIMX, LMC6462BIMX M08A Tapeand Reel
14-PinMoldedDIP LMC6464AMN LMC6464AIN, LMC6464BIN N14A Rails
14-PinSO-14 LMC6464AIM, LMC6464BIM M14A Rails
LMC6464AIMX, LMC6464BIMX M14A Tapeand Reel
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.