LMC6064AIM ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+−Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for T = 25°C. Boldface l ..
LMC6064AIMX ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ −Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C. Boldfa ..
LMC6064AIN ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational AmplifierFeaturesThe LMC6064 is a precision quad low offset voltage, mi- (Typical Unless Otherwise Noted)cro ..
LMC6064IM ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifierfeatures, plus its low power consump-n Output swing within 10 mV of supply rail, 100k loadtion make ..
LMC6064IMX ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifierfeatures,see the LMC6061 or LMC6062 respectively. n Medical instrumentationn D/A converterPATENT PE ..
LMC6064IN ,Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifierapplications using the LMC6064 include precisionn Improved latchup immunityfull-wave rectifiers, in ..
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LQG15HN12NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN18NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
LQG15HN18NJ02D , Chip Inductor (Chip Coil) for High Frequency Multilayer Type
Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifier
www.ti.com SNOS656D –AUGUST 2000–REVISED MARCH 2013
LMC6064 Precision CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LMC6064
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LMC6064isa precision quad low offset voltage,
2(Typical Unless Otherwise Noted)micropower operational amplifier, capable of
• Low Offset Voltage: 100 μV precision single supply operation. Performance
Ultra Low Supply Current:16 μA/Amplifier characteristics include ultra low input bias current,
high voltage gain, rail-to-rail output swing, and an
• Operates from 4.5Vto 15V Single Supply input common mode voltage range that includes
• Ultra Low Input Bias Current:10fA ground. These features, plus its low power
• Output Swing within10 mVof Supply Rail, consumption make the LMC6064 ideally suited for
100k Load battery powered applications.
Input Common-Mode Range IncludesV− Other applications using the LMC6064 include
High Voltage Gain: 140 dB precision full-wave rectifiers, integrators, references,
sample-and-hold circuits, and true instrumentation
• Improved Latchup Immunity amplifiers.
APPLICATIONS This deviceis built with TI's advanced double-Poly
Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
• Instrumentation AmplifierFor designs that require higher speed, see the
• Photodiode and Infrared Detector Preamplifier LMC6084 precision quad operational amplifier.
• Transducer AmplifiersFor singleor dual operational amplifier with similar
• Hand-Held Analytic Instruments features, see the LMC6061or LMC6062 respectively.
• Medical Instrumentation
PATENT PENDING• D/A Converter Charge Amplifier for Piezoelectric Transducers
Connection Diagram
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