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CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifier
www.ti.com SNOS612D–NOVEMBER 1994–REVISED MARCH 2013
LMC6044 CMOS Quad Micropower Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LMC6044
1FEATURES APPLICATIONS Low Supply Current:10 μA/Amp (Typ) • Battery Monitoring and Power Conditioning Operates from 4.5Vto 15.5V Single Supply • Photodiode and Infrared Detector Preamplifier Ultra Low Input Current:2fA (Typ) • Silicon Based Transducer Systems Rail-to-Rail Output Swing • Hand-Held Analytic Instruments Input Common-Mode Range Includes Ground • pH Probe Buffer Amplifier Fire and Smoke Detection Systems Charge Amplifier for Piezoelectric Transducers
DESCRIPTIONUltra-low power consumption and low input-leakage current are the hallmarksof the LMC6044. Providing input
currentsof only2fA typical, the LMC6044 can operate froma single supply, has output swing extendingto each
supply rail, andan input voltage range that includes ground.
The LMC6044is ideal for usein systems requiring ultra-low power consumption.In addition, the insensitivityto
latch-up, high output drive, and output swingto ground without requiring external pull-down resistors makeit
idealfor single-supply battery-powered systems.
Other applications for the LMC6044 include bar code reader amplifiers, magnetic and electric field detectors, and
hand-held electrometers.
This deviceis built with National's advanced Double-Poly Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
See the LMC6041fora single, and the LMC6042fora dual amplifier with these features.
Connection Diagram
14-Pin PDIP/SOIC Instrumentation AmplifierThese devices protection. The leads shouldbe shorted togetheror placed electrostatic damagetothe MOS gates.