LMC6034 ,CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierLMC6034CMOSQuadOperationalAmplifierNovember1994LMC6034CMOSQuadOperationalAmplifierbYInput common-mo ..
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LMC6034IMX ,CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierGeneral Descriptionn Ultra low input bias current: 40 fAThe LMC6034 is a CMOS quad operational ampl ..
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LMC6034IN ,CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Long-term integratorn Specified for 2 kΩ and 600Ω loads n Sample-and-hold circuitn High v ..
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CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier
November 1994
CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LMC6034isa CMOS quad operational amplifier which
can operate from eithera single supplyor dual supplies.Its
performancefeatures includean input common-mode range
that reaches ground,low input bias current,and high volt-
age gaininto realistic loads, suchas2kXand 600X.
This chipis built with National’s advanced Double-Poly
Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
Seethe LMC6032 datasheetfora CMOS dual operational
amplifierwith these same features.For higher performance
characteristics refertothe LMC660.
Features Specifiedfor2kXand 600X loads High voltage gain 126dB Low offset voltage drift 2.3 mV/§C Ultralow input bias current 40fA Input common-mode range includesVb Operating Range from a5Vto a15V supplyISSe 400 mA/amplifier; independentofVa Low distortion 0.01%at10 kHz Slew rate 1.1 V/ms Improved performance over TLC274
Applications High-impedance bufferor preamplifier Current-to-voltage converter Long-term integrator Sample-and-hold circuit Medical instrumentation
Connection Diagram
14-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
Ordering Information
Temperature Range
Package Drawing
NSC Transport
b40§CsTJs a85§C
LMC6034IN 14-Pin N14A RailMoldedDIP
LMC6034IM 14-Pin M14A Rail
Small Outline Tape andReel
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.