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CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier
www.ti.com SNOS609C–NOVEMBER 1994–REVISED MARCH 2013
LMC6032 CMOS Dual Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LMC6032
1FEATURES • Long-Term Integrator Sample-and-Hold Circuit Specified for2 kΩ and 600Ω Loads Medical Instrumentation• High Voltage Gain: 12 dB Low Offset Voltage Drift: 2.3 μV/°C DESCRIPTION• Ultra Low Input Bias Current: 40fA The LMC6032isa CMOS dual operational amplifier
• Input Common-mode Range IncludesV− which can operate from eithera single supplyor dual
Operating Range From +5Vto +15V Supply supplies. Its performance features include an input
common-mode range that reaches ground, low input
• ISS= 400 μA/Amplifier; IndependentofV+bias current, and high voltage gain into realistic loads,
• Low Distortion: 0.01%at10 kHz suchas2 kΩ and 600Ω.
Slew Rate: 1.1 V/μs This chipis built with TI's advanced Double-Poly
• Improved Performance Over TLC272 Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
See the LMC6034 datasheet fora CMOS quad
APPLICATIONS operational amplifier with these same features. For
• High-Impedance Bufferor Preamplifier higher performance characteristics refer to the
• Current-to-Voltage Converter
Top View
Figure1. 10 Hz High-Pass