LMC6024IMX ,Low Power CMOS Quad Operational AmplifierGeneral Description−n Input common-mode range includes VThe LMC6024 is a CMOS quad operational ampl ..
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Low Power CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier
Low Power CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LMC6024isa CMOS quad operational amplifier which
can operate from eithera single supplyor dual supplies.Its
performance features includean input common-mode range
that reachesV−, low input bias current and voltage gain (into
100kΩ and5kΩ loads) thatis equaltoor better than widely
accepted bipolar equivalents, while the power supply re-
quirementis less than1 mW.
This chipis built with National’s advanced Double-Poly
Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
See the LMC6022 datasheetfora CMOS dual operational
amplifier with these same features.
Features Specifiedfor 100kΩ and5kΩ loads High voltage gain 120dB Low offset voltage drift 2.5 µV/˚C Ultra low input bias current 40fA Input common-mode range includesV− Operating range from +5Vto +15V supply Low distortion 0.01%at1 kHz Slew rate 0.11 V/µs Micropower operation1 mW
Applications High-impedance bufferor preamplifier Current-to-voltage converter Long-term integrator Sample-and-hold circuit Peak detector Medical instrumentation Industrial controls
Connection Diagram
14-Pin DIP/SOTop View
August 2000