LMC568CMX ,Low Power Phase-Locked LoopElectrical CharacteristicsTest Circuit, T = 25˚C, V = 5V, RtCt #2, Sw. 1 Pos. 0; and no input unles ..
LMC568CN ,Low Power Phase-Locked LoopElectrical Characteristics= =Test Circuit, T 25˚C, V 5V, RtCt #2, Sw. 1 Pos. 0; and no input unless ..
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Low Power Phase-Locked Loop
Low Power Phase-Locked Loop
General DescriptionThe LMC568isan amplitude-linear phase-locked loop con-
sistingofa linear VCO, fully balanced phase detectors, and carrier detect output. LMCMOS™ technologyis employed
for high performance with low power consumption.
The VCO hasa linearized control rangeof ±30%to allow
demodulationof FM and FSK signals. Carrier detectis indi-
cated whenthe PLLis lockedtoan input signal greater than mVrms. LMC568 applications include FM SCA andTV
second audio program decoders, FSK data demodulators,
and voice pagers.
Features Demodulates ±15% deviation FM/FSK signals Carrier Detect Output with hysteresis Operationto 500 kHz input frequency Low THD —0.5% typ.for ±10% deviation2Vto9V supply voltage range Low supply current drain
Typical Application (100 kHz input frequency, referto notespg.3)
Order Number LMC568CMor LMC568CN
See NS Package Number M08Aor N08E
May 1999