LMC567CMX ,Low Power Tone DecoderLMC567 Low Power Tone DecoderJune 1999LMC567Low Power Tone Decoder
LMC567CN ,Low Power Tone DecoderFeatures™ n Functionally similar to LM567The LMC567 is a low power general purpose LMCMOStone decod ..
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Low Power Tone Decoder
Low Power Tone Decoder
General DescriptionThe LMC567isa low power general purpose LMCMOS™
tone decoder whichis functionally similarto the industry
standard LM567.It consistsofa twice frequency voltage-
controlled oscillator (VCO) and quadrature dividers which
establish the reference signalsfor phase and amplitude
detectors. The phase detector and VCO forma phase-
locked loop (PLL) which lockstoan input signal frequency
whichis withinthe control rangeof the VCO. Whenthe PLL locked and the input signal amplitude exceedsan inter-
nally pre-set threshold,a switchto groundis activatedonthe
output pin. External componentssetupthe oscillatorto run twice the input frequency and determine the phase and
amplitude filter time constants.
Features Functionally similarto LM5672Vto9V supply voltage range Low supply current drain No increasein current with output activated Operatesto 500 kHz input frequency High oscillator stability Ground-referenced input Hysteresis addedto amplitude comparator Out-of-band signals and noise rejected20 mA output current capability
Block Diagram (with External Components)
Order Number LMC567CMor LMC567CN
See NS Package Number M08Aor N08E
June 1999