LMC555CMX/NOPB ,World?s smallest 555 timer with low power, high accuracy and a Fmax of 3MHz 8-SOIC -40 to 85Features... 19.2 Typical Application .... 122 Applications..... 19.3 Frequency Divider...... 143 De ..
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CMOS Timer
Tools &
Support &
LMC555 CMOS Timer Features Industry's Fastest Astable Frequencyof3 MHz Availablein Industry's Smallest 8-Bump DSBGA
Package (1.43mm× 1.41mm) Less Than1 mW Typical Power Dissipationat5V
Supply 1.5V Supply Operating Voltage Ensured Output Fully Compatible With TTL and CMOS
Logicat5V Supply Testedto −10 mA,50 mA Output Current Levels Reduced Supply Current Spikes During Output
Transitions Extremely Low Reset, Trigger, and Threshold
Currents Excellent Temperature Stability Pin-for-Pin Compatible With 555 Seriesof Timers
Applications Precision Timing Pulse Generation Sequential Timing Time Delay Generation Pulse Width Modulation Pulse Position Modulation Linear Ramp Generators
DescriptionThe LMC555 device isa CMOS version of the
industry standard 555 series general-purpose timers. additionto the standard package (SOIC, VSSSOP,
and PDIP) the LMC555is also availableina chip-
sized package (8-bump DSBGA) using TI's DSBGA
package technology. The LMC555 offers the same
capability of generating accurate time delays and
frequenciesas the LM555 but with much lower power
dissipation and supply current spikes. When operateda one-shot, the time delayis precisely controlleda single external resistor and capacitor.In the
astable mode the oscillation frequency and duty cycle
are accurately set by two external resistors and one
capacitor. The useof TI's LMCMOS process extends
both the frequency range and the low supply
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Pulse Width Modulator Pulse Width Modulator Waveform:
Top Waveform- Modulation
Bottom Waveform- Output Voltage