LMC555CMM ,CMOS TimerGeneral DescriptionThe LMC555 is a CMOS version of the industry standard 555 series general purpose ..
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CMOS Timer
Original Creation Date: 08/16/95
Last Update Date: 06/20/00
Last Major Revision Date: 06/15/00
General DescriptionThe LMC555 is a CMOS version of the industry standard 555 series general purpose timers.
It offers the same capability of generating accurate time delays and frequencies but with
much lower power dissipation and supply current spikes. When operated as a one-shot, the
time delay is precisely controlled by a single external resistor and capacitor. In the
astable mode the oscillation frequency and duty cycle are accurately set by two external
resistors and one capacitor. The use of National Semiconductor's LMCMOS(TM) process
extends both the frequency range and low supply capability.
NS Part NumbersLMC555H/883
Industry Part NumberLMC555
Prime DieLMC555
Controlling DocumentSEE FEATURES SECTION
ProcessingMIL-STD-883, Method 5004
Quality Conformance InspectionMIL-STD-883, Method 5005
Subgrp Description Temp ( C)o Static tests at +25 Static tests at +125 Static tests at -55 Dynamic tests at +25 Dynamic tests at +125 Dynamic tests at -55 Functional tests at +25 Functional tests at +125 Functional tests at -55 Switching tests at +25 Switching tests at +125 Switching tests at -55