LMC555 ,CMOS TimerFeaturesYLess than 1 mW typical power dissipation at 5V supplyThe LMC555 is a CMOS version of the i ..
LMC555CM ,CMOS TimerFEATURES SECTIONoProcessing Subgrp Description Temp ( C)MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 1 Static tests ..
LMC555CM/NOPB ,World?s smallest 555 timer with low power, high accuracy and a Fmax of 3MHz 8-SOIC -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LMC555 device is a CMOS version of the1• Industry's Fastest Astable Frequ ..
LMC555CMM ,CMOS TimerGeneral DescriptionThe LMC555 is a CMOS version of the industry standard 555 series general purpose ..
LMC555CMM/NOPB ,World?s smallest 555 timer with low power, high accuracy and a Fmax of 3MHz 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Block Diagram..... 712.5 Glossary. 188.3 Feature Description...... 713 Mechanical, Packaging, and O ..
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CMOS Timer
September 1996
LMC555 CMOS Timer
General Description
The LMC555isa CMOS versionofthe industry standard
555 series general purpose timers.It offersthe same capa-
bilityof generatingaccurate time delaysand frequenciesbut
with much lower power dissipation and supply current
spikes. When operatedasa one-shot,the time delayispre-
cisely controlledbya single external resistorand capacitor.the astable modethe oscillation frequencyand duty cycle
are accuratelysetbytwo external resistorsandone capaci-
tor. Theuseof National Semiconductor’s LMCMOSTM pro-
cess extends boththe frequency rangeandlow supplyca-
Features Less than1 mW typical power dissipationat5V supply3 MHz astable frequency capability 1.5V supply operating voltage guaranteed Output fully compatible with TTL and CMOS logicat5V
supply Testedto b10mA, a50mA output current levels Reduced supply current spikes during output transitions Extremelylow reset, trigger, and threshold currents Excellent temperature stability Pin-for-pin compatible with555 seriesof timers
Block and Connection Diagrams
(Pinoutsfor Moldedand MetalCan Packagesare identical)
OrderNumberLMC555CH, LMC555CMor LMC555CN
SeeNS Package NumberH08C, M08Aor N08E
LMCMOSTMisa trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M96/Printed inU.S.A. http://